
Jia Tolentino (who used to write for Jezebel, back when they had talented writers) just profiled her in The New Yorker and if you read that you’ll totally want to read her memoir too. She’s kind of great. 

Well, during her stint on the Real Housewives franchise, she and her husband and brother-in-law Chart”

Forget the list, the real evidence is in the videos from the co creaked cameras Epstein allegedly had all over his houses including bedrooms where his famous guests would retire with the girls he provided at his soirées.

Translation: she’s still with him and doesn’t want to admit it because she knows people will think she’s an idiot. 

Trans women are women. Cis women are women. But cis women and trans women are biologically different and we can’t erase that difference just because the right wingers want a world where trans people aren’t allowed to exist. And science and medical research and determining what constitutes good gender medicine (a field

A fashion line? Angelina Jolie is beautiful but fashion wise she has no style. At most she looks ok when she’s dressed by others for events but any time I see candids she’s wearing the plainest almost matronly crap ever. And her mother Teresa shtick is getting old. The only thing she’s worked on for a decade is

“Shrewdly, it has repackaged and regifted those anxieties, selling women the exact crap they say they don’t want, just with a chicer Sandy Liang bow adorned on top.”

And being legally free to look for her next meal ticket, I mean husband. I’m sure she inherited some family money but not much, and she hasn’t worked in a long time. 

Sure, just keep ignoring what others write and keep having that imaginary conversation with your imaginary gotcha based on a definition of ‘cancel culture’ that only you ascribe to. Bye. 

I don’t have to answer it because your question as a litmus test for whether or not cancel culture exists or not is ridiculous. Again, cancel culture doesn’t have to universally succeed and make sure someone disappears off the face of the earth forever, in order to exist or ‘be a thing’. So yeah, can you read? 

Can you read?

It is a thing. It just isn’t a universal thing. Because nothing is.

I don’t think he’s that calculating but I think he - like other assholes like him - has fully leaned into his move to the right because he knows that it’s only liberals/progressives that are cancelling him and that there’s a huge right-wing audience out there so it’s lucrative and as a bonus guarantees that any time

Video of her getting felt up here:

How do you know they’re not?

I think if you allow victim impact statements before sentencing, you have to also allow for the convicted person to have their family and friends also write statements or letters. 

50 letters didn’t stop the judge from sentencing Masterson to 30 years though.

And judges (most of them, anyway) aren’t fucking morons and it’s not like the letters prevented the judge from giving him the maximum sentence. What do you think most of these letters look like? Do you think most relatives are thinking about the victims? No, they’re trying to convey to the court what their experience

Thank you.

If this means the beginning of the end of this cult of supidity that’s hijacked humanity for over a decade, I’ll take it. That shit needs to die.