
Sure, just ignore the numerous quotes from an expert on domestic violence that I shared, in addition to the video.

After all this you, much like Jonah Hill, still don’t know what a boundary is.

It kind of makes sense that you feel the need to lash out like that over nothing and you’re defending Hill’s behavior. You seem to be having an imaginary fight with someone that’s all in your head. What the fuck is wrong withne who doesn’t exist you that you can’t have a normal conversation without hurling insults?

You don’t think being controlling and manipulative is emotional abuse? You don’t think telling your girlfriend that she can only socialize with friends he has pre-approved is controlling and emotionally abusive?

There are degrees of emotional abuse and I think being this controlling and manipulative definitely qualifies. Also, this was just after a few months of dating. Imagine what it would look like after he’d gotten her to move in and had increasingly isolated her, maybe gotten her to give up her career with his weird ass

That says a lot more about you than anything else… 

Did you read the texts? He’s being controlling and manipulative, and the saddest part is seeing her apologize to him for doing absolutely nothing wrong, which is definitely a pattern you see in emotionally abusivo relationships.

Was your ex out making documentaries about therapy and telling the world what an enlightened feminist bro he is?

Not if they need to be manipulative and controlling. Those aren’t legitimate needs or requirements, that’s emotional abuse. 

Um , that’s not what boundaries means and if you look at the texts they are chock full of manipulative behaviour and he basically weapon uses therapy speak to control her behavior.

She’s 84 and probably comfortably retired and has nothing to lose and she sounds very much aware of that which is why she doesn’t give a shit and said what she said knowing full well the effect it was going to have.

I don’t usually like to link to the Daily Mail but this is too good.

Correction:  A previous version of this story said the video shows that Wembanyama’s security guard hit Spears, causing her to fall backward. This updated version reflects that the details of the incident still remain unclear.

It would certainly explain her fashion and plastic surgery choices. 

“Adams went on to praise Sam Levinson (as a troubling number of women who work with him tend to)”

In a crowd? And given that she projects more unwashed casino hag than glam celebrity, I can see how they could very easily have mistaken her for a nutty fan accosting this dude. And 5’4” people can be armed, you know.

I’m sorry, maybe Britney should stop approaching and touching famous people without warning and especially if they’re surrounded by bodybuards whose job is precisely to stop randos from touching/accosting/approaching the person they’re guarding?

It was dumb but not anything that deserved an apology. People need to chill the fuck out. I’m more disturbed by the fact that enough people thought this deserved an apology than by the fact that she recorded the original Imagine video in the first place.

I had forgotten just how godawful the Roseanne Ambien tweet was. She’s really the worst.

Something wrong, and inappropriate, and oversharing, sure. But that ≠ grooming. Grooming is a very specific accusation. And nothing here seems to rise to that level. Did she ever intend to do anything physically or sexually with these fans?