  • Caitlyn Jenner wished stepdaughter Khloe Kardashian a happy birthday, saying, “I know I haven’t been perfect.” YA THINK? [Instagram]

I was going to shit on Aire and then I remembered the original name was Wolf Jacques so I guess it’s an improvement. But man, the K’s really like to set the bar low, don’t they?

Wait, non-pregnant workers don’t have a legal right to take bathroom breaks? I didn’t know this but, now that I do, I’m not surprised because Americans will case to amaze me, and not in a good way. 

Even rebranded as Nikki, Nimrata would have have had a way harder time fitting in with white conservatives 40-50 years ago. I wonder if she actually forgets she’s not white or if she’s just that cynical. 

Beyoncé’s whole look is awful but I never got why she gets so many accolades for her fashion choices, which are dubious at best.

It’s not cute but I’d say that’s pretty much the case for every wife of a 65 year-old man.

My second paragraph should have made it clear I was being facetious in the first paragraph but anyway, even if I wasn’t, I’m not losing any sleep about being ‘out of line’ re: wee 6 year-old Tucker Carlson’s character. 

Or maybe his mother was onto something and realised that even aged 6 wee Tucker was already garbage, so she cut her losses and fucked off to France with her money to remake her life?

Yes, Meghan is Walter Kronkite and has way too much going on what with her decades-long, award-winning career as a journalist to interview her own guests for her own podcast, of which she only recorded 12 episodes in 3 years.

Agreed. It’s still a bit of a mystery why she couldn’t even be bothered to interview people for her podcast herself though. Even if there was no deception per se. It’s not like she has anything else to do, or like she’s raising her two kids without nannies and help. For 20 million that’s pretty fucking embarrassing. 

And a statistical anomaly.

Agreed. Jezebel writers seem hellbent on ignoring biology and acting like social stigma is the only thing standing in the way of women being able to conceive well into their 40s. None of the women listed here got pregnant naturally, they all struggled for years and had to resort to expensive treatments, and the fact

Sure, dude. Your parochial American ass knows more than Foreign Policy or anyone who’s ever cracked open a History book. Keep telling yourself that.

You think Republican women don’t hate women? 

LOL looks like someone needs to brush up on their European history. By the XIXth century royals no longer married off their children instead of signing treaties, however royal marriages were about preserving status and tradition and about alliances between families, and they had to be to ‘suitable’ partners (of

The man who told Diana the day before their wedding that he didn’t love her, spent their entire marriage cheating on her while he and his mistress gaslit the crap out of her while pretending not to?

What would have been her options if she hadn’t married into that family and Suits ended?

They were only able to pay for the procedure as well as hotels and food because abortion funds stepped in.

Of course Hillary was right to call them deplorables. You just can’t say that shit out loud because let’s face it, elitism doesn’t poll well, even among people who agree with her. As liberals we don’t like to publicly admit we think we’re better than anyone else. 

Not to be an asshole, but I had the exact same question re: the toes. Like, the foetus had no skull and almost no brain and Jez thought the toe thing was worth mentioning not once but twice?