
They have nothing to say that anyone wants to hear unless it’s gossip about the royal family. 

It might look that way but being funny can be way sexier than a hot physique. 

It seems more like this is about avoiding any label that is pejorative in favor of just describing what the person believes

This. Which is why the AP is right. I don’t think they give a shit if people use the word on Twitter or informally but in professional contexts, it’s probably better - and far more accurate - to stick to transphobe.

18 years and three kids, plus a good lawyer, and she might be able to have the prenup vacated. It’s at least worth a try. 

She’s fucking exhausting. And that BS about having to use women’s bathrooms... For fuck’s sake, no one is going to question her or harass her for going into the women’s bathroom, unlike trans women or non-binary people who present as more masculine.

I looked it up and found this:

Thanks for all the explanations. Wow, I had no idea that it could happen so suddenly. That’s terrifying. 

This is awful. And I don’t understand how this happened. Is preeclampsia sudden? Did she go into labour and was unable to get help? Otherwise it’s hard to understand why she was at home presumably all alone, in labour. 

Breed to keep a sizeable (and preferably white) and ignorant underclass that is both cheap labour and easy to manipulate into voting against their own interests and for the very people who are responsible for their shitty, precarious lives. Electoral feudalism.

I think people are finally starting to catch on that Gadsby is pretty insufferable. This exhibit sounds excruciating. I almost want to go out of masochism. 

I can’t wait to see this. I’ve enjoyed a lot of her films and this one sounds great.

When I was younger I was a lot more interested in seeing things like this but now, the idea of sitting through this play just sounds like torture. I’m sure it’s very good and Comer is one hell of an actress but this sounds excruciating.

Ha! There was bound to be something we’d agree on.

That scenario would only apply in companies where everyone is remote though, and right now the push is for more office time, not less. The vast majority of workplaces are hybrid, or have put in place mandatory days and the rest are voluntary. As long as management and decision-makers are coming in, and as long as they

I have mixed feelings about work from home. I’m naturally an introvert and a homebody and ironically, coming into the office is good for me even if it takes me out of my comfort zone. After working pretty much exclusively from home for 2 years, when I came back to the office, my tolerance for noise, other people that


I agree but that’s also on his lawyer for not prepping him and not having the goods to back up the claims. You don’t just put your client on the stand - especially if he’s as famous as Harry - and not prep  him extensively to provide answers to the questions you know are coming. 

They’re fucking ridiculous. There are specific breeds of cat and dog that are much better for people with allergies. Fuck PETA. 

This. Peta deserves to suck the proverbial dick. They’re toxic attention whores who care more about being in the news than they do about animals, and they have a terrible track record.