
Not just that, the fucking police fucked up the username and then took 20 days to resubmit a correct warrant?

Crowder reiterated that the situation was “not [his] choice,” and that Hilary “simply wanted out and the law says that that’s how it works.”

Maybe this means the pendulum is finally swinging the other way on the ridiculous, over the top American wedding culture with its cheesy matching bridesmaids dresses (doesn’t matter if the dresses are nice, the very concept of bridesmaids in matching dresses is fucking awful) and stupid labels on everything (bride,

But at a newborn checkup, the family pediatrician, Dr. Anand Bhatt, discovered the baby had developed jaundice. And while the condition is fairly common among infants, Dr. Bhatt believed Mila’s case was serious enough to require medical intervention.

I think they knew about it but it’s from 2014 and it didn’t actually happen so it’s just words at this point, I imagine they thought it would blow over soon enough if it did come out, which it probably will. 

Do people really expect her to willingly torpedo her hit show over some comments this guy made back in I think 2014 and which so far haven’t even been proven to be true?

My SIL kicked my brother out when their baby was months old and it was the kick in the ass he needed to get therapy and address his issues. People thought she was crazy to do that when she was dealing with a newborn but she said it was easier on her own than with my brother in that state. I think my mom is still mad

They’re rich enough and their kids are old enough that neither of them has to “hold down the fort” anymore.

She sounds like a fucking nut and those parents are either idiots or this shitty llunatic manipulated and exploited their mistrust of the medical establishment. She needs to be called out. 

This woman gives midwives everywhere a bad name. 

Jezebel? Bury the lede or obfuscate facts so they can push a political position and get outraged clicks? Never!

Thank you. Midwives are not paediatricians. And this baby had levels that required more intensive care. I get that they distrust the medical system but if that mistrust was going to lead to their child having brain damage, then intervention is absolutely justified.

It’s pretty much verbatim what he said during his TV interview. I don’t think there’s anything new here except it’s People instead of TV?

Which one of those is Kylie?

Appropriation still isn’t blackface. Blackface is a very specific thing and it doesn’t help anyone to dilute it to mean just anything. Plus it just makes it easier for people to dismiss any and all criticism if they can point to fake/exaggerated claims. 

I’m not sure fake tans and bronzer qualify as blackface…

It should go without saying that whether Choe’s inexcusable story is true, or simply an attempt to “entertain” himself, it’s profoundly bleak either way—as are his bizarre “apologies.”

During Sandoval’s first sitdown with Howie Mandel this week, he divulged that their first kiss was “magnetic,” whilst offering very little remorse for the affair. 

When is the last time she took a genuinely good photo? Have you checked her instagram lately? This photo is recent and she looks clean, her makeup doesn’t look days old and her hair isn’t a ratty nest.

Kingley’s too cute and pretty.  He’s gorgeous but I just can’t see going from Daniel Craig to him. It’s too bad Idris Elba is too old and too famous for the role, and doesn’t want it either.