
YouTube promotes anything that gets clicks, no matter how toxic.


I saw this on Hulu but haven’t tuned in because Freeform shows are very hit or miss. They can be great, like The Bold Type which could be a bit fluffy but was also really funny and endearing, but they can also be all over the place like Good Trouble, which started off ok but then went way too kind of earnestly

Totally. But I never would have known that if he didn’t start shagging a Kardashian. Ergo, they’re still poison and ruin everything they touch.

Ugh. I’ll never look at Timothée Chalamet the same way again. I love that kid, love his acting, but the Kardashians ruin/taint everything they touch and this is so fucking disappointing. That entire family of fucking parasites are like a disease.

It makes sense though. People mostly read to be stimulated and entertained, and (though there are exceptions, if someone is a good enough writer and storyteller that they can make anything entertaining) the sobriety recovery part is really only interesting if you’re also a person trying to get sober in which case it’s

I didn’t know anything about her and I always found her a little annoying even though I liked her in Friday Night Lights but now I kind of want to read her book.

Of course, these procedures aren’t happening in an ass-fat vacuum. As part of a recent spiritual cleansing, Blac Chyna has documented the process of having most of her injectables removed, including her butt lift that her surgeon said could’ve killed her. The Kardashians are also rumored to have removed whatever was

Um, Jack Martin looks just like Cole Sprouse. She certainly has a type... 

  • Ever bent on getting what’s hers, Mo’Nique has sued CBS for Parkers profits that she claims she’s entitled to but never received. [Deadline]

Never said that. I was just pointing out the common dynamic, or the one I’ve seen most which is that the father is absent, for whatever reasons. I never said that absolved them of responsibility for leaving. But that doesn’t make the mother’s co-dependent dynamic with her child any less unhealthy. There are plenty of

It sucks for those kids, for sure. Luckily their dad has a shit ton of money and resources, and an extended family, to try to mitigate that. Unlike most children of incarcerated people in the US. And I’m not a proponent of jail in the vast majority of cases and I’ve often complained, on this very site, about the US’

I’d argue that’s just as bad. If you’re staring down the barrel of a decade plus sentence, maybe you don’t get to cross that item off your bucketlist or you wait until after the trial and have kids once you know you’re not actually going to jail?

She also decided to get pregnant and have kids when she knew she was about to go on trial and possibly get sentenced to jail, which kind of makes me wonder if she didn’t just have them to try to avoid prison, in which case those kids are maybe better off being raised without her? 

I’ve seen this type of mother-daughter dynamic before. Even without the child star element it’s a lot more common than people think for mothers to develop that type of fusional co-dependent bond with their children and essentially hold them hostage and stop them from developing their own identities, separate from

I mean, marrying at 19 is almost never a good idea but I kind of get the feeling MBB grew up with shitty stage parents who made her grow up too fast and she was probably the one supporting the family, and the Bongiovis seem like a lovely family so maybe this is what she needs.

Society in general.

“Swank’s story is a reminder that everyone should be able to plan and build their family on their own timeline and have access to all the resources they need to do so.”

Does it though?

Sounds like the adults in her life sat her down and talked some sense into her. Good.