
I’ve yet to see proof that he’s blaming William and Kate. That’s just the interpretation people are giving this but from what I read, he’s just providing more context and pointing out that William and Kate aren’t the saints the British press makes them out to be. He clearly says the costume is one of the biggest

I think Harry and Meghan are revealing themselves to be quite insufferable (not that that justifies the racism, at all) hut I don’t see this as him blaming his brother. He’s simply providing additional context. He owned up to the costume as being his mistake but he’s also pointing out that his brother and Kate are far

Like I said, listen to the podcast. One of the things proposed is to increase the number of male teachers in schools, which has been in freefall for decades. More spaces where boys can forge real life friendships (as opposed to online), have positive male role models, etc. The other thing is, that isn’t mentioned here

Not just the left, it’s everyone’s, it’s all of us as a society’s responsibility to raise boys to be better men. It’s in all our best interests. And I don’t think the left coming up with a Tate-like figure is the solution, sorry if that wasn’t clear from my comment and it’s certainly not what the podcast I linked to

The image is a shitty one since it seems to place the blame on mothers but how we raise boys is definitely an issue. I think more progress has been made in how we raise girls but with boys it seems like there hasn’t been as much of an effort to shift the meaning of modern masculinity so that we can raise boys who

I think I would have reacted the same was as you until a few months ago and now I think that both these things are true - the left has failed at speaking to men online and there’s rampant, unchecked misogyny.

I don’t think you can even begin to compare Louis CK to Cosby, and certainly not Chappelle. As for Louis CK, his career certainly took a hit (and rightfully so) and he’s nowhere near back to pre-scandal levels of fame and recognition. And honestly in this case it’s a bit weird that he was never sued because I’m pretty

The way the Cosby case was handled is pretty fucking insane. The whole thing where he was given immunity in exchange for testimony in a civil case where he pretty much admitted to everything, then that being reversed and allowed into evidence for his trial, the conviction, and then the appeal which, from a legal

I don’t know that the director reported it, from the way she’s telling it sound more like he complained about her behavior? I totally get being creeped out by it, but not as a criticism of the child more like what’s going on with this girl that she’s acting this way at age 10?

I wonder how that girl is doing now and what was really going on with her.

I have a friend who was molested as a child, by a friend of her parents. Luckily, she was able to get out of the situation before the asshole went too far (by running out of her room and into her younger brother’s in the middle of the night). When she told her mom the next day, her reaction wasn’t to comfort her, or

I have no idea who the fuck this dude is but if this is the worst people can come up with in terms of rock star behavior, that’s pretty fucking tame. And the worst behavior seems to be by the music video director, not this guy or any of the band members, so excuse me if I think this is all a bunch of ridiculous

It was the 90s, the movie came out at a time when famous women were pretty much all excruciatingly thin and I guess Kate stood out for not being a Kate Moss type waif. Not that it’s an excuse it just goes to show that at least there’s a little bit more acceptance of different body types now and slightly less pressure

As much as the media has hurt Harry and Meghan, now that they’re free of their royal duties, this documentary proves that it’s also become their only lifeline.

Of course, Spears has a persistent, charming history of off-the-wall social media posts

Thank you.
This idea that all transgressions are equally bad and that they all deserve to be met with a lifetime banishment, and the fact that they don’t is proof that cancel culture doesn’t exist is the most fucking ridiculous progressive talking point and needs to fucking die already. It’s also basically inviting

She is getting paid her market value. No one watches the WNBA, it’s not nearly as popular as the NBA... 

Oh, I remember those. But I don’t see them as being related. Benetton’s provocations always seemed aimed at opening people’s minds, this just seems like provocation for provocation’s sake. 

Jezebel really needs to stop it with the gaslighting hot take that cancel culture doesn’t exist. Is it so hard to admit it’s something people on both ends of the political spectrum try to use to their advantage? Conservatives use it to play the victim and to avoid having to question or address some of their beliefs

what did Benneton do?