
This. In fact, it’s the fact that he’s so good at his job that let him get away with what he did for so long. 

They needed to wait at least 5 years before making this movie. Making it now just sounds like self-congratulatory Oscar bait that may appeal to critics but no one actually wants to pay money to see. 

I still think a man would have gotten less time even in those circumstances and with the same unknowns re: patients who received false blood results. 


What’s unclear to me is how she can go from being the boss of the House to being a regular member of Congress?

Not technically an incel but definitely has strong incel energy. 



If I understood correctly the bleeding didn’t start until she was in Ohio but I was surprised that the DC doctor would let her wait that long before doing a D&C, even if she wasn’t bleeding. I get letting her try to miscarry naturally but several weeks seems like too long. 

Is it really normal to let women miscarry over the course of weeks before a D&C is performed? I remember helping a friend go through her miscarriage and she was also sent home to miscarry naturally but it was a matter of days, not weeks. It seems odd that the healthcare providers in DC would let it go on for so long

If a woman dies, it’s “God’s will”...

I believe it. Because both sides underestimated the importance of abortion. Even liberal leaning pundits and media thought democrats would get trounced because people wouldn’t care enough about more social issues like abortion. Turns out, both sides were wrong.

Half the country is basically insane. 

I think she’ll probably win because if it comes down to overseas votes, those are probably mostly military and my guess is they’ll lean her way. 

Do it! And if that doesn’t work all those European tabloids that are obsessed with the royals would probably pay you. 

Didn’t Aaron have a kid? And lots of money issues? If any of the royalties go to the kid, that alone would make it worth it I think. Hopefully in the form of a trust. 

He totally pinged my gaydar but it went way past bi to be honest. 

Please don’t withhold. I would kill to know more. Royal gossip is one of my guilty pleasures.

I’m a woman in my 40s, it’s kind of weird of you to assume I’m a dude just because I’m not a puritanical idiot obsessed with policing the relationships of other consenting relationships. If she was 19 I’d agree with you but 25 and 41 is really not worth getting your panties in a twist about.

LOL I’m a woman but ok. But I’ve dated my share of older men (and younger, and same age) and don’t share your views.