
Greene probably sees her tweet as a triumphant dunk on Harris and all women of color who have the nerve to both criticize racism and parade about town with their white boyfriends.

I agree with you the show needs a refresh but I still think it’s better than Last Week Tonight which I think is overrated, and John Oliver is more preachy/earnest than he is funny. 

Hahahaha Just when I thought I couldn’t love him more...

I’ve seen plenty of gay men on social media say he was hot and they’d probably have gone home with him too. Equally gross. Or maybe worse because even if he were still alive, Dahmer was gay so it’s not like any of these white women ever stood a chance with him. Seems like a weird take to only fixate only on the white

The Louisiana one’s definitely not one of those Kennedys.

Wrong Kennedy. Cheryl Hines is with Robert Kennedy, anti-vaxx idiot. Not that he’s much better...

Trevor Noah never did it for me until the pandemic. I think it was the combination of ageing that made him slightly less baby faced, and the pandemic sending him a little over the edge. Whatever it was, it’s hot.

25 is still young enough to learn and grow and hopefully your brother will/did as well, and maybe you don’t need to hold onto so much anger about the shit he said before he met her?

It’s not even just the cheating, specifically, that’s upsetting—it’s the act of commodifying your very public performance of the bare minimum as a man who’s married to a woman, arguably even commodifying your very public performance of the nuclear family structure itself, and then, in your private reality, being

I mean... or it could because he was a necrophiliac cannibal with a severed penis and skull collection, a fridge full of human heads, a stockpile of photos he took of his victims, and he may have fed his neighbor human flesh.

I watch some true crime stuff if it’s well done, like Mindhunter or certain documentaries. A lot of it is just repetitive and shoddily made. I admit I’m curious about this one.

“How many people still think Braveheart was a true story?”

What part of “I never said there were to sides as in two organized movements with people in charge and organized demands” do you not understand?

Not gonna lie, I’d be pretty giddy if ACB or Kavanaugh or Thomas kicked the bucket...

And I would say he was right. ‘Based’ means literally that, that the basis is a true event but not all of it is; it’s not a fucking documentary. Otherwise it would literally say ‘this is a true story’. Argo was a great movie but it was just that, a movie. If I want to know exactly what happened, I’ll read a history

she questioned the “cultural repercussions” of erasing positive elements of Monroe’s life—for example, forming a production company; opposing anti-communist witch hunts in the 1950s; fighting against segregation on behalf of Ella Fitzgerald. Again, Dominik leans on the crutch of Oates’ novel, which isn’t about Monroe

I’m describing a general cultural phenomenon as I perceive it, I never said there were to sides as in two organized movements with people in charge and organized demands, or that what I’m saying is dogma and everyone has to agree. I just think that Republicans and conservatives in general have been better at

I think it’s a lot simpler and more cynical than that. Sharon doesn’t want to apologize, censor herself or change anything about herself, she cost CBS a lot of money as one of the original hosts of that show and probably wasn’t going to get her contract renewed anyway, AND she knows there’s a shit ton of money to be

I agree with you it should be illegal but I disagree that getting a dick pic is the same as having a guy whip his dick out in public.

Maybe I’m a cynical bitch but I’m always shocked by how many people are genuinely upset and buy that these people are anything like their public personas. Like the John Mulaney thing and how genuinely upset people were about that and I was like, famous alcoholic turns out to be a cheater? Sounds about right. And yeah,