
Cheung’s point is that Wilde is being tarred and feathered for something male directors get a free pass for (cf Luc Besson).”

Amsterdam comes out in less than two weeks, and, in a wish-fulfillment sort of way, I look forward to members of the media pressing Russell the way Stephen Colbert grilled Olivia Wilde.

When did jail ever stop people from being violent? She needs therapy and rehabilitation, and she’s not getting that in an American prison. It would be different if she was headed to jail in a civilized country like Sweden or Canada but then they probably wouldn’t have imprisoned her in the first place given her

Yeah, no. People never want to admit it’s true and the most common argument, especially when they don’t like a particular woman is “it’s true in general but specifically in this case it isn’t and this woman is just a bitch”…

You mean the guy who choked FKA Twigs, threatened to crash a car she was in and deliberately gave her a STD? But sure, let’s continue with the totally not sexist Olivia Wilde is a monster narrative... 

It’s great to see two public figures acknowledge and take accountability for harmful behavior—but it would be even better if we saw the show do the same. It’s honestly inexcusable that over the course of, again, a three-hour yawn of a season-ender, there weren’t even 30 seconds allotted to publicly discuss the

It’s the typical “women can’t work together and there’s always drama when they do” bullshit when men have been coming to blows for less since forever and the fact is there’s always drama whenever humans are involved but it’s only ever scrutinized and gendered when women do it.

True. I should have specified that I meant if the “sources” relaying Pugh’s comments on set re: Wilde are to be believed.

As feminist journalist Moira Donegan put it, you can tweet to the effect of “Ugh, I don’t want to go to work today” and watch your algorithm transform into “an endless stream of blonde women telling you to give up your life and be a 50s-style housewife to please husband and the Lord.”

Maybe. But only because they’re far worse than anything that went down between Wilde and Pugh. Women are judged more harshly than men, including by women, but women don’t like to admit to it either. 

What if she did leave in the middle of the day? People are allowed to take breaks, for whatever reason. 

First things first: this isn’t a reason to send her back to jail and I will never understand America’s obsession with incarceration, especially for non-violent offenders that don’t pose any kind of threat.

I probably would have gotten a lawyer in addition to putting the word out on this fucker (though probably not through TikTok because even the idea of filming a confessional video is mortifying to me)  but I think she was right to broadcast the fucker’s name. He clearly has an agenda and other women might not be brave

It’s not surprising though. Anti-choice doctors often have their own agendas. I know because I have a cousin who is one. And this isn’t uncommon. And citing Roe v. Wade in this case is ridiculous because this happened in New York state, not a red state that banned abortion.

Plus, women lusting after, dating, and marrying imprisoned men is nothing new.

Why would she learn from anything when there’s more money to be made from white grievance by going over to Fox News and crying about how the liberals are silencing reactionaries everyhwere? And half the country feels the same way and eats that shit up and Fox News knows it which is why it’s become the dumping ground

They drag it out for money. Longer videos get more revenue and show up faster in search results. I don’t have the patience but for some reason people love hearing unqualified amateurs rant about shit for hours.

This is true. I feel so old and out of touch (which in this case is probably a good thing) when it comes to YouTube and videos on social media in general. They’re also way too long and I swear my brain is just wired differently because I don’t understand the appeal if watching anyone rant for far longer than

I was wondering if this is just an American thing. I didn’t grow up here and had never heard of such a thing. WTF?

Why do you think the NFL has cheerleaders?