
That woman is a treasure. 

Like I said to another poster above, it’s not always ignorance though I do think that can sometimes be the case. I have relatives who are super Catholic and they know that some pregnancies could end up killing the woman and they’re ok with that because they see it as God’s will. And these are university educated

Not always. I have relatives who are staunch Catholics and they accept that sometimes women will die if they don’t terminate a pregnancy, and they think it’s God’s will and that medicine shouldn’t intervene and abort a foetus even if it means saving the woman’s life. I’m talking university educated people who

That’s why I started my comment by saying that my initial reaction wasn’t a nice one. Including the basic bitch part lol

Jesus. That’s an entirely different story. What the fuck is wrong with the writers at Jez? That’s beyond a hot take, that’s deforming something entirely, Daily Mail style... 

There’s so much puritanical judginess in your comment, starting with the ‘someone much younger than she’. As far as I’m concerned, she may have directed Harry and he may be younger but he’s still a 28 year old grown man AND he’s a way bigger star than she is so as far as I’m concerned, they’re consenting adults and

Maybe. Except she’s not keeping her mouth shut and she could have gone to New Mexico and not said anything either, but she didn’t. Which is why I’m inclined to be slightly more generous toward her. 

My initial reaction isn’t a nice one. This basic bitch should have known all this before it happened to her. It shouldn’t be necessary for it to happen to her. On the other hand, maybe this basic bitch going on TV is exactly what’s needed to change the minds of people like her?

Exactly! Ditto Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. 

Except I think this shit is literally in their contracts? 


I don’t think it’s the actors who feel the need to make this deep, except for the super talented, method types. It’s the whole industry and the media constantly interviewing them and making them promote their movies and asking them to find profound meaning in everything they do, or at least pretend to. 


She’s been a druggy mess for a while now...

All she does is say shit other people have been saying forever and a bunch of morons who don’t read hear about it and think she’s some kind of genius lol.



I always thought he was sexy. Not surprised to see at least some people agree. 

This may come off as callous but it’s just the reality: being a victim doesn’t mean you have veto power or control over what’s in the public domain. If you put it in instagram or had a press conference, that’s public and doesn’t belong to you anymore. And besides this is a film about Armie hammer and she made a public

I suspect they did anyway or at least one of them would have spoken out by now.