
Oh, I agree. Though women who cheat usually get it worse, even from other women which is just internalized misogyny bullshit. Joss might be an exception because he has a history of being an asshole to pretty much everyone involved with him, whether in a professional or personal capacity.

As a virgo, I’m flattered by this rumor and I don’t even believe in astrology. 

I agree. My whole point is people need to stop assuming and assigning blame based on their own experiences or biases. I will never understand the urge to take sides in a relationship where you don’t even know the people involved, based on the fact that someone allegedly cheated. It just seems ridiculous. 

And sometimes people cheat because they’re miserable in their relationships and the person they’re with is an asshole but they’re not quite miserable enough to leave unless something horrible happens, or they meet someone who reminds them what is possible in a relationship.

It is depressing. But when you look at the other candidates, he was the least worst of the bunch.

How is this defunding? “Vincent is located 35 miles southeast of Birmingham, in Shelby County, Alabama. According to Vox, it ‘plans to contract dedicated police services with the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office for the next year’.”

I don’t defend their actions but I do think they’re batshit and have needed help for ages. In addition to needing to be held accountable. 

My guess is BPD with a generous side of narcissism. So, basically, she’s an unstable asshole. 

She’s back to she/her so I guess she’s cis again, you can add her to your insufferable cis list.

It’s just another type of narcissism.

Clearly you’ve never watched any of Ryan Murphy’s projects. She’s in pretty much everything he does. 

It’s also Ryan Murphy who uses the same actors in project after project and I’m sure he 100% wanted Paulson to play Tripp because he thought she could channel the part in a way that suited his vision, and didn’t even consider anyone else. Different directors work in different ways. Some will choose actors who look

This is nice and all but let’s see how it actually plays out during the Midterms and in 2024 and if people actually go out and vote when it counts... 

She’s a fucking exhausting, narcissistic perma-victim who needs to jump on every trauma bandwagon. Between the yogurt shop hot take, the flip-flopping pronouns, and pretty much everything she’s ever said, I don’t know why anyone has the time or energy for her. She’s so fucking unlikeable and not talented enough to

I get the concern for power imbalances in relationships but sometimes the line between contemporary/intersectional feminism and “infantilizing/patronizing grown ass women who are capable of making their own decisions and viewing them as perpetual victims” gets a little blurred, I think. 

They’re not the same but they’re related in the sense that this is not happening in a vacuum. There’s a backlash against women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, progressive thought in general, sexuality in all its aspects, intellectualism, minority rights, etc. By a very powerful conservative minority hellbent on steering

I think it just means they fucked on set and judging from the photo have crazy chemistry and he forgot where he was for a second. 

Attention seeking. And I don’t mean that in a mean way more like needing to feel validated and like people care but going about it in an unhealthy and kinda toxic way.

I think it’s just the modern day equivalent of calling their bosses/friends/family to tell them about the behaviour. Shaming as revenge. I get it, because going through that can absolutely make you feel powerless and incredibly hurt and it’s normal to want to hurt the person who did that to you. Whether or not it’s

Maybe. But he can’t assume all men are going to act properly or that all crew members will be respectful or that all actors feel equally as comfortable as he does filming these scenes…