
I’m too lazy to google but there was one case where the guy got a lenient sentence for sexual abuse of a girl who was I think 11, and the judge’s reasoning was that the girl looked and acted older than her age... 

Yeah, that’s a shockingly ignorant comment that totally ignores the reality of sexual abuse. 

I’m the opposite. My gaydar is pretty much infallible when it comes to men. Lee Pace isn’t on my radar at all and I know nothing about his life off screen but I remember watching Pushing Daisies back in the day and thinking that he was incredibly good looking but not sexually attractive, and wondering why, because

Who cares if they cheated though? Seriously. Yes, it sucks to get cheated on but it’s not a crime either, and who knows that state Wilde and Sudeikis’ relationship was in anyway, for all we know they were basically already done.

The blind Beyoncé worship is bad enough but the ridiculous levels of defensiveness when so much as a whisper of criticism is directed her way is beyond ridiculous. No one is above reproach or questioning or criticism. People need to stop with that nonsense. If she’s as fucking brilliant as her fans want us to believe,


Who’s watching the WNBA though? It’s not like it’s making enough money to pay players what the NBA does. The US women’s soccer team is pretty popular. That doesn’t seem to be the case for the WNBA. I don’t think I know a single person who watches.

Marvel movies are a symptom of late stage capitalism, our species’ inevitable cultural decline and probably a sign that the end is (hopefully?) near. We don’t deserve any better.  

You’re projecting and seem to think liking Beyoncé’s music and thinking she’s extremely talented is some kind of obligation. I never said I didn’t like her (I’m indifferent to her as a person, and honestly know almost nothing about her besides her music and her performance in Austin powers), I said I don’t like her

I didn’t like her music even before she got mega popular so no backlash here. I think she’s overrated and derivative, and it has nothing to do with the standards I hold her too, her music and voice are simply not enjoyable to me. And there are plenty of women auteurs but I also like plenty of women artists who aren’t

This. And how is it the WNBA’s job to babysit a grown ass woman and save her from herself?

I know that. But it’s just I e mire instance of Beyonce being an overrated, derivative-at-best/thief-at-worst hack. 

Not the first time she’s been accused. She’s ripped off visual artists too, like Pipilotti Rist for the Hold Up video.

you’re technically correct but given the shit women get versus men, forgive me if I’m not up in arms about Elon getting a tiny taste of what we’ve put up with for thousands of years...

Hmmm Kinja ate a word, I meant to write “not just because of Beyoncé’s fans”. 

You mean you don’t think it’s just a crazy coincidence, or a conspiracy of jealous haters against St. Bey? ;)

Well she does have the unfortunate habit of ripping off other artists pretty much every time she releases an album, so that probably explain it... 

Not surprising at all, and not just because of Beyoncé’s. The Bey worship is strong around here.

The joke actually made me like GP a little. 

Right wing assholes have no idea what they’re talking about, as usual. That said, a pretty landmark study was published recently that basically finds no link between depression and low serotonin levels, and which could explain why medications (specifically SSRIs) don’t work for so many people.