
Of course. Makes perfect Conservative sense.

It’s not about who’s right, it’s about who’s more effective politically and unfortunately in this case, that was Hawley. She let him derail the conversation and turn it into a reason to mock the woke left. This is why Democrats are probably going to get eviscerated in the Midterms and probably in 2024, too. But they

He knew exactly what he was doing and the audience he was speaking to, and the result is he got to make this into a gender/culture war issue instead of actually focusing on reproductive rights. The fact that you don’t see this is the very reason progressives can’t get people on board with their ideas and why the

She may be academically extremely gifted and talented but she’s not politically savvy, at all.

This. She only won in the eyes of people who are already on her side. Hawley’s playing to a different audience, an audience that will have a different reading of what happened and who will dismiss the professor as another Liberal trying to foist her extremist gender views on the world. She was in a really difficult

They’re still voting at much lower rates than any other developed country in the world except Switzerland and that’s only because the Swiss get called to vote like every 3 months. 

Have you learned nothing? It’s only pedophilia if it’s a same sex offender, or if the victim is a boy. Underage girls always want it and are to blame for ‘seducing’ the poor men who can’t help themselves. 

It’s something though. They can’t stop everyone.

Comey shares a lot of the responsibility as well.

Maybe you’re new to the Jezebel comments section whenever weddings are discussed? 

No. But I doubt you guys had deodorant commercials with boobs in them on daytime TV in the early 90s...

It’s cute that you guys think 2013 is the first time famous women bared nipples.

Like I said, you get both but I feel there’s less pressure to do a big wedding if you don’t feel like it in Europe. I lived in France and Switzerland but in addition to those countries I’ve been to weddings in Sweden, Austria and Italy. I’d say it’s an even split among my friends and acquaintances with half having a

Oh my god could you guys at least configure your stupid slideshows so they fit the screen? So goddamn annoying.

Democracy right now is about damage control and ensuring the lesser evil wins. Is it ideal? No, of course not. But it’s reality.

No, I agree as well but from experience if you say that here you get called out for being a bad feminist for not supporting the women that want this shit or, in this case, for not treating them like victims who somehow have to go through all this nonsense against their will. 

I know the people featured in this story are mostly religious but I find American women in general, even the most progressive, stick to these traditions as well, for reasons I’ve never understood but that are probably tied into keeping up appearances, doing what’s expected, and also the consumerism and capitalism

Maybe she doesn’t want to risk sun damage so she uses self-tanner? Tanning isn’t inherently racist, seriously, chill the fuck out with the ridiculousness. This is about as dumb as Anne Frank trending on Twitter recently because people were arguing about whether or not she benefitted from white privilege. Proof that

Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Yeah I know but it’s still so fucking frustrating and I agree that the left’s all-or-nothing attitude is particularly infuriating.