
Part of the reason no one does anything to tackle the homelessness crisis is that type of judgemental attitude towards the homeless and who ‘deserves’ to be helped. I live in a neighborhood that’s super liberal and every other lawn has some kind of virtue-signalling sign whether BLM or ‘everyone is welcome here’ or,

She’s Jewish and Italian. Ever been to Israel and the Mediterranean in summer? People there have always tanned like mad, and there’s nothing racist or appropriative about it. This is ridiculous.

I can’t stand Lea Michele but of all the things to bitch about her, a Jewish and Italian lady liking to be tan isn’t one of them. Ever been to the Mediterranean in summer? Spanish and Italian women have always loved to get very very tan, whether from lying in the sun or more recently from fake tanner. There’s nothing

I wanted to like Hamilton and I did like the lyrics and the acting but my issue was the music. Where was the bass? What’s the point of rapping if the music itself is just more shitty showtunes. I wanted it to lean way more into hip hop. 

But people shouldn’t be so fucking idiotic that they let Republicans win and gain the power they need to finish turning this country into fucking Gilead. WTF, people?

Not just in 2024. Things are looking fucking grim for the midterms this November and Dems are basically poised to lose the House, and this despite Roe v. Wade getting overturned and the rest of the Supreme Court shenanigans. I swear, this country is fucking insane. I do not understand the logic of people voting in

They’re not insurmountable hurdles and, given the stakes, I think people should be willing to make the effort.

I mean, Little Shop of Horrors is fucking amazing but Phantom and anything else Andrew Lloyd Webber is godawful but clearly I’m in the minority about that given the success he’s had. 

I’m only slightly more generous in that I don’t necessarily think he made the worst possible choices (except on Afghanistan where he really shit the bed) but I also think he doesn’t have the power to do much more than damage control because of a) an insufficient majority in Senate, and b) the composition of the

Yes the media even though I don’t watch US news and get most of my information from the BBC but ok. And I’m glad the polls showed that but if the 2016 election taught us anything it’s that polls are unreliable. And sadly I don’t see the US electing a woman president. Sure, she stands a better chance than Hillary who

I don’t disagree but I don’t think the average American makes that connection. And inflation is a problem worldwide but the extra problem in the US is lack of regulation stopping corporations from taking advantage of inflation to jack their prices up even higher than they have to be.

Maybe if the young voted they wouldn’t get ignored? Even when Bernie was candidate, whose support was mainly among the young, the under 30s couldn’t be arsed to vote during the primaries, so.... 

Polls aren’t reliable anymore. The 2016 election should have made that clear by now. 

I agree about Afghanistan but foreign policy doesn’t matter to most Americans and that’s not what’s going to make a difference in terms of how people vote.


True. I know there are a lot of Broadway people out there but I guess I thought they were older and kind of a dying breed. But maybe there are enough younger ones coming up to make up for them?

I know nothing about her but I was wondering if the problem isn’t that no one wants to see yet another revival of an old Broadway show. Are people still even into that? Even tourists who don’t know better would probably rather go see something else, but maybe I’m wrong. 

I think she tried to have it both ways. The dress was a nod to Diana’s and an attempt to make a modern statement about post-partum bodies but the perfect hair and the fact that she caved to the pressure to uphold the stupid and barbaric tradition of having to pose for the media less than 24 hours after pushing a baby

Kate and the other royals have ‘sources’ who speak to the tabloids for them. They rarely make official statements but there is a veritable stable of people whose job it is to speak for them without officially speaking for them. If you were paying attention during Megxit that’s how it was made clear to the public the

But don’t you think that sometimes it’s also because the moderate/conservative Democrat stands a better chance in that particular district? AOC and Ilhan Omar are good candidates for their districts but then there are places where people like Cuellar win the Democratic primaries and he may suck but it’s still better