
So you can’t answer the question? Shocking .

No. But I think organizations should have the right to impose vaccination for entry. At my work, if you want to come into the office, masks are optional but you have to be vaxxed and boosted. And I think this is the best approach for dealing with Covid. 

Eternal mask mandates aren’t going to happen, and never were. The only way the pandemic ends - and this is how virtually all past pandemics have ended - is we all get infected with it multiple times until we develop enough immunity that it becomes like the flu virus (which kills a lot of people every year, and always

This. There was an article in the NYT yesterday that made a similar point t about how surveys showing popular support for gun control measures don’t translate into voters supporting those measures.

Serious question. Who should have been sent in to deal with the shooter instead of police? Armed parents? Unarmed mental health counselors?

Are you an idiot or just pointlessly triggered and it’s fucking with your reading comprehension?

Being informed is considered weird?

If the SOI had any balls, they would cancel this year’s Special Olympics and release a statement blaming it on DeSantis and his refusal to let them have a vaccine mandate.

Ha! I love it when old Joe is irreverent. He needs to do it more often.

Having two places is hardly hoarding housing. 

The real cheerleading—the cheerleading that I know and love—is nothing like what it’s been depicted as (save for Netflix’s Cheer docuseries and Bring It On’s racially diverse and entrepreneurial Clovers led by Gabrielle Union). The real cheerleading is a sport, not a clique of spoiled brats. And while the field of

Yeah that’s some Daily Mail type bad faith right there. 

I’m so fucking sick of the internet outrage cycle that I now instinctively sympathize with the subjects of these types of stories, even if they’re dicks, and I’m becoming pretty numb to a lot of issues because it’s better to detach and disengage than be constantly frustrated at how impossible it has become to have any

I was afraid this would happen because I basically have no faith left in humanity and after seeing how Heard was dragged online and by people irl with absolutely no self-awareness about their own internalized misogyny, I thought it was a very real possibility/probability the jury would be just as garbage. I’m sad to

No, they don’t exist in a vacuum but you can’t shame people into having different preferences (as long as they’re legal and involve other consenting adults, of course) so it’s just one of those things I think it’s pointless to get upset about. Why do you give them the side eye but not the women dating men 10 years

To be clear, we’re talking about 40 year-olds dating 30 year-olds but sure, let’s pretend you’re not concern trolling. 

Rebound from who/what and for which one of them?

LOL sorry but that’s ridiculous. Would you also side-eye a 40 year-old woman who routinely dates men 10 years her senior, or junior for that matter? People have preferences, and not all age gaps are inherently creepy and or side-eye worthy.

27 and 38 is hardly “concerning”... 

Those people are more likely to give money to politicians,