
Don’t bother replying to them. You either cheer on his Basic Progressive 101 talking points copied off the internet, or you get insulted, or you get a monologue that fails to address any of the very valid questions/points you raised.

I agree it could have been higher. But Democrats also need a midterm push for non college educated voters and I’m not seeing any. 

I’m glad most Americans don’t think like you. Otherwise we would never make any progress as a nation. 

You know Republicans’ “solution” is just going to be to buy more AR-15s and equip dumb, racist cops with them.

Gay marriage had way better marketing/PR. Defund the police is dead in the water based on the stupid name alone. Radically rethink the police as we know it? Not a bad idea. Now call it something people can get behind. But calling it a dumb name and then trying to shame and insult people into going for it isn’t going

I read the book back in the day and sure it’s entertaining but I really don’t get the fascination and the multiple adaptations. 

Insults are so much easier than trying to come up with a logical answer or a strong argument.

Me too. But given the general public reaction, I’m afraid the jury’s going to be full of as many sexist idiots blinded by Depp’s star power. 

Defunding the police is a non-starter in the US and not even supported by most liberals, so really progressives need to get the fuck over their loser of an idea and move on.

My pleasure. And I hear you. I’m sick of the hysteria and the extremes even by news sources that should fucking know better.

I’m not a scientist by any means but I work with lots of biologists and epidemiologists and they’re not concerned this will lead to any kind of Covid-like situation. It’s just not transmissible enough enough for that and in the vast majority of cases people get through it without complications. it’s been endemic in

Yeah, no. The US would not be invading Russia and risking a global nuclear war even for LeBron. There’d be way more coverage, for sure, but it wouldn’t change the situation.

That or their take that the WNBA is somehow owed viewership and popularity. Like, if people aren’t watching, they’re not watching. What are you going to do, hold a gun to people’s heads and shame them into watching women’s basketball because it’s unfair that it’s less popular than the men’s? 

Totally agree. Except re: monkey pox. It’s containable and will not be the next big thing, and the media’s been really irresponsible in its coverage. 

That would require wanting to inform people instead of posting hot takes as facts, for clicks.

Her heart’s in the right place but I’m not getting the adulation for these tweets. there are far funnier and wittier people on Twitter.

I mean, she doesn’t even know if her thyroid levels are high or low. Can we stop giving these imbeciles airtime and attention? 

And never mind the environmental impact of mass producing clothes out of synthetic fabrics that aren’t biodegradable. 

What’s that shirt made of?

Of course Conservatives are going to spin this to promote their agenda of basically getting rid of public schools. If no one is educated, and they can guarantee the white Conservative kids will basically receive the Christian equivalent of a madrassa education, then the poor kids won’t stand a chance and will never