
It doesn’t matter if it’s funny or not (and I don’t think he’s funny either and The Office is probably the only show ever where the American version is funnier than the British one) since humor is subjective. And enough people must find him funny that his career is still alive...

LOL are you serious?

Show me where I said that. Really. Read what I wrote and tell me exactly where I said that male abuse victims are irrelevant. 

LOL projecting much? 

Hopefully this one sticks. 

Hahaha I adore them but yeah. I always knew their names but it’s true I couldn’t tell them apart unless I saw a photo of both with their wives and I knew Joel was the one married to Frances McDormand.

Letterman has a gift that not a lot of hosts/interviewers have, and it’s evolved and grown along with him and his work on himself. I think Howard Stern is probably the only other person I can think of who’s even more gifted in this regard.

I think he’s trolling because it works, a lot more than people’s attempts to cancel him which only end up increasing his audience. The scandal got his Netflix special more views, and it’s apparently doing wonders for his tour.

Did you read what I said? I said all abuse is bad. And yes, the OP’s take is partially idiotic, I just said they have a point in terms of scale. Because it’s true, and the data supports it, that in terms of scale at least, women suffer more at the hands of men than vice versa. And that’s true globally. And even in

I think anyone being abusive is bad. But they have a point, at least in terms of scale, and the death toll. How many women are killed by their partners each year, versus how many men? 

I get your point, I really do. And the logic behind it. But I have huge issues with a lot of the discourse on the left, and the idea of ‘deplatforming’ for anything less than basically criminal behavior (absolutely do not give a voice to the Weinsteins and any other abuser/rapist or violent asshole) but I am extremely

It’s really not the specific tweets (or defending Chappelle who’s basically a washed out reactionary shell of his former self) so much as my disgust with the growing polarization/extremism on both ends of the political spectrum. and I guess the orthodoxy, dogmatism and identitarianism of the american left bugs me

My point is, why isn’t there equal uproar over the sexist jokes? Maybe because it’s less trendy/will get you less traction on Twitter than bitching about Chappelle? Which makes it all the harder to take this seriously. And yeah, if you go to a comedy show be prepared for surprise guests and humor that’s not to your

Didn’t D&G call the Kardashians the cheapest people in the world?

I mean, I guess I am saying that, as a member of a group that’s marginalized and subject to discrimination. I’d rather live in a world where comedians might say offensive shit than in one where everything has to come with a trigger warning and people act like jokes are actual weapons. 

I mean, yeah? How is this a revolutionary concept? Like I said, if I’m offended by something to the point I can’t stomach it, I just leave. Or come back once the offending comedian is gone and enjoy the rest of the show. But yeah, If I go to a comedy show, I go with the understanding that comedians regularly push the

Thank you. Can we stop giving tweeters - on both sides of the political spectrum - disproportionate levels of importance? 

Oh, I agree. That’s kind of my point. I got bored during the Netflix special. What people don’t get is that the cancel culture outrage machine is prolonging his career, not stopping it. It probably helped get more people to watch his Netflix special who otherwise wouldn’t have because guess what? People are fucking

Like someone else said, there were other comedians there including one who made a bunch of misogynistic jokes about women. Where’s the twitter outrage over that? And were they announced?

So, misogyny is ok with you because it’s part of Old Comedy? Also, I’m a woman not by choice but because that’s what I am.