
So standard issue ‘my wife’s a bitch’ but jokes about trans people aren’t?

She was ostracized by some of his hardcore fans (it’s kind of shocking to me how emotionally attached to him and his wife-guy act his fans were, but that’s another matter) but if anything her art career has blown up since the split, and she’s a lot more well known now for her own merit and not just for being his wife,

Comedians regularly invite other comedians to make surprise appearances at shows. I’ve been to a lot of shows in small venues in NY where famous comedians often try out their material, and I can’t count the number of times a big name has popped in to open or do a short surprise set that no one was expecting. Sometimes

Phones and recording devices were prohibited at the event—almost as if Mulaney or whoever coordinated Chappelle’s surprise appearance knew how much justified backlash his anti-LGBTQ and particularly anti-trans bullying would draw.

This is funny. I guess whoever wrote this forgot Jezebel was asking the same thing a few months ago back when they were trying to make hating on Pete happen. Who knew woke mean girls and Ted Cruz had so much in common?!

Serena is so physically powerful she never had to really work on the mental side, and it’s too bad. I think she would have been a much more interesting player to watch if she had taken the time to work on getting the emotional side under control. He’s a dick but we saw that evolution with Djokovic, once he started

I agree. But honestly it happened with the men’s game too though to a lesser extent, which is another reason I enjoy watching men’s tennis more. And it’s boring. I miss strategic players like Martina Hingis. Brute force gets boring.

I just hope all their kids take after her, looks-wise. 

Nah. He’s just an idiot who can’t spell. Which should disqualify him but since he’s a Republican it probably helps more than hurts his cause.

I think it’s interesting the article only mentions her physical health issues and not the very glaring mental health decline she’s been in for the past few years and that probably explains why a court took away control of her finances. She’s not well, in any way, shape or form, and clearly doesn’t want help. If this

This is about as necessary as Susan G. Komen spending millions to ‘raise awareness’ of breast cancer instead of, you know, actually funding research. People are aware. And people in Europe, where Cannes takes places, are even more aware since Ukraine is literally in their backyard.

Expertise isn’t necessary but I’d settle for basic fucking knowledge which so many in this comments section seem to be utterly lacking. 

And how do you do that without a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia, and without triggering a nuclear war which would be catastrophic for humanity as a whole?

They never would have been admitted because all it takes is one country to block it, and Turkey would have stepped up to do Russia’s dirty work for it, much like it’s currently blocking Finland’s entry. And as horrible as Erdogan is, keeping him in NATO is better for the West as a whole because if you kick him out,

Who’s telling them to feel grateful?

Yeah, seriously.

This. The blind hero worship/idolization is as cringe as the right wingers obsessed with her.

You misunderstood me. Stop the stupid outrage over small things, which serves nobody and only shows up on social media and comments sections and other echo chambers such as these, and focus on getting them out to vote against backwards asshole Republicans.

The Republicans don’t do it because they don’t care. And frankly, neither do most people. Democrats and progressives need to get that through their heads and stop it with the moral outrage at every little thing. Focus not on trying to get people to care every time a Republican populist says shit like this, but on how

Yeah that’s kind of my point; the headline is ridiculous