
I get that this is what everyone will remember about this case but how is shitting in his bed worse than him trashing her closet and belongings, making threats, physical violence toward her, etc?

I get it. I think the arbitrariness comes from the fact that there isn’t a generalized agreement on terminology around these issues, so everyone does their best to be inclusive but it seems like regardless of the words used, someone feels erased or thinks another terminology would be better.

Isn’t that the case for all social/human rights movements? If they waited for their oppressors to change their minds and start acting fairly, nothing would ever be achieved.

It just sounds like Netflix creating a whole new platform as it struggles financially was a bad idea to begin with, and seeing what just happened with CNN+ I’m not surprised this was the result. It just sucks that it was mostly POC that were hired and therefore subsequently let go. They could have at least made an

I agree churches shouldn’t be tax exempt. But the damage Christianity and Islam and most major religions have done to women, for example, for thousands of years, is undeniable. Just check out what nut job evangelicals have done/are doing in Latin America. Scientology is too small and too new to have done even a

Totally agree. It’s not hurting anyone to say women and pregnant-capable people but it would piss me the hell off if there was a move to erase the woman/women from the terminology. 

You can be inclusive without erasing women, which is what this blog did. I’m not ok with getting rid of the word women but I’m all for including everyone else in addition to women. When/if women are no longer subject to discrimination and no longer have to fight for our rights, then we can talk about being subsumed

I think, in hindsight, they were pointless because unless the entire world went into simultaneous, super strict lockdown, there was no chance that was going to work, except for like island countries. And even then, by the time we started to take action, it was already too late. Of course we didn’t know that at the

I think Scientology is awful but I think evangelical churches and the catholic church have done way more damage on a societal level and are far far more dangerous, but they don’t get as much attention as Scientology and other weird cults.

Oh man, reading the comments I have to love how much this ridiculous piece of partisan propaganda for an incompetent hack just blew up in Jez’ face. Was this paid for by her campaign? It sure reads that way.

We know now they were mostly pointless and there was no stopping there virus by the time China sounded the alert so, I have to wonder, is there any point still being angry that people didn’t stay home for two years? There wasn’t a hard ban anyway, except for some countries that literally shut down their airports, and

I think maybe you don’t know the difference between borrowing an aesthetic, and wearing an actual costume, which is what dressing up in a SS uniform would be. 

In a similar vein, fashion has been borrowing from military uniforms forever. Doesn’t mean designers are endorsing l everything every army has every done. They’re just borrowing an aesthetic. There is no moral obligation here, no matter how hard this piece is trying to grasp at straws and guilt trip readers. I’m

No, I got the point. I just fail to see the problem or the dubious connection the author of this piece is trying to make between wearing a Rodarte (or any other designer’s) gown and labour practices in the dance world.

It’s pretty well known that there’s a very small risk of strokes and blood clots with HBC. Something like .001%

And this is a problem why?

I think that would be the case in a perfect world however in our world, women get disproportionately punished when they cheat, as opposed to men. Just look at what happened to Meg Ryan when she hooked up with Russell Crowe while still married. Unfortunately, I think a lot of people would cheer Sudeikis acting like a

If he does, Twitter won’t make him any money and all the celebrities and public figures will leave and the only users left will be conservatives high fiving each other for a few days until they get bored because there’s no one to fight with, and some other, smarter tech billionaire will start a new app that will

Ok. Let’s say there’s no apathy and all of them didn’t vote because they have shitty jobs that don’t let them vote. That doesn’t change the fact that they vote less. 

Came here to say this.