
Thank you. This is what those nutjobs believe and what their churches tell them to believe and this isn’t new or revolutionary or really damaging because the people watching this shit seriously already believe this crap . My cousin has 6 kids by 35 and the single issue she cares about politically is abortion. She

Honestly, with this Court it doesn’t really matter. It’s still way more than the cost of the pill so I really doubt it’s about money.

My reservations about childhood are not recent, but they grow with every passing day as more headlines proliferate about Black women’s pregnancy complications and childbirth-related death rates. More importantly, as a survivor of trauma who constantly battles with fear and anxiety around bringing children into the

Yeah, good luck with that. If the Supreme Court decided to let employers not cover the pill because of religious objections (and that was before Amy Coney Barrett and the White rapist), it’s not going to find in favour of mandating insurance coverage for IVF + surrogacy + donor eggs so that gay men can have babies.

Yes, it’s outrageous. But I don’t think the remedy is to start sticking even more people in jail unnecessarily. It’s to stop putting Black people and other POC in jail for this type of thing. The problem is that the system only works and shows compassion and proportionality for White people instead of working the same

Why is this a video (that I have no intention of watching)?

I agree with you that Britney is as entitled as Kanye and any other male celebrity to make poor life choices and fuck up her kids.

It’s so funny how people are so much more comfortable with molesters and rapists who do their misdeeds off screen, than with a Black man slapping another grown man on stage. You call it civility, I’ve got another few choice words for it.

The police were called and Chris Rock is the one who stopped them from arresting Will Smith.
Maybe make sure you have a fucking clue before you tell people they don’t know what they’re talking about.

No one is arguing against consequences. But the punishment should fit the “crime” and it doesn’t here, it’s way too much. Anyone who thinks this is commensurate to the offence is a fucking karen whether they realise it or not. They’ve come out of the woodwork in droves since this happened. 

Nope. Jez had the right take on this one. The karens are the ones losing their shit and blowing this out of proportion without stopping to think of the men who have done far worse and won oscars and were celebrated by the academy. It was a slap. Not sexual abuse of a minor, not sexual harassment that was allowed to go

Jez had the right take on this one. The karens are the ones blowing this out of proportion, without stopping to think of the men who have done far worse and won oscars and were celebrated by the academy. It was a slap. Not sexual abuse of a minor, not sexual harassment that was allowed to go on for years, not rape. It

I’m so glad I was born without the patriotism/religion/team sports gene. And yes, I’m pretty sure it’s the same gene that’s responsible for all 3. 

Just when I thought he couldn’t get any worse.

I mean, at this point the entire Evangelical faith is a red flag, for many reasons. 

This would of course be totally fucked, but let’s face it: as much as people love to tear down someone who appears to have “made it big”, there is particular glee taken in doing so when it’s a woman.

Yeah, ideally.

Now if only we could get rid of the real social media scourge: influencers. 

That’s how it is in my field. I get around it by having ‘official’ work accounts with my real name, and a personal IG account that’s private, only has my nickname, not my full name, and isn’t searchable if you look for my name. That’s where all my friends are and where I share my real political opinions. The only

I was actually kind of agreeing with you, and further arguing against the commenter who said trans people shouldn’t have been mentioned at all in the film. Sorry, that wasn’t clear I should have probably responded directly to them.