
It’s still more likely than 2/3 of the Senate voting to impeach him.

With respect to federal judges, under Article I of the United States Consti­tu­tion, the House of Repres­ent­at­ives has the power to impeach, and the Senate the power to hold a trial to determ­ine whether removal is appro­pri­ate. The House can impeach a judge with a simple major­ity vote. However, a judge may only

Never mind that this is a gossip site and that if you (by which I mean celebrities, Kardashian or otherwise, but you’ll be hard pressed to find famous people with even less inhibitions and thirst than the Ks) put it out there, people will have an opinion. You can’t put it out there and fund your entire billionaire

Why does it matter if a woman is on the pill because her partner is cis man, or a trans woman? Sperm is sperm, and the movie isn’t about the partners. If the focus of the movie is hormonal birth control, it makes sense to make cis women the main focus.

Australia’s super right wing and conservative, even Labour. And it’s a pretty heteronormative and traditional society. Just look at your immigration policies, or the censorship laws. And yet the country somehow still has a good image internationally.

The only thing that will change the culture in the NFL is for people to stop watching, stop buying merchandise, and hit them where it hurts (and the only thing they care about): their revenue.

I can see that. But then you should also be upfront about that. You can’t claim to stand for transparency, accountability, democracy, equity, community organizing, and then run your shop like an authoritarian. Plus, there are no signs that BLM produced any results, really, so it’s not like they were shady but

Call me when she figures out something else the rest of us know: Khloe needs years of therapy for her obvious body image issues and low self-esteem from being raised in that family, and until she addresses those issues she’s always going to be attracted to assholes who take advantage of her and make her feel even

and the focus of intersectionality on the big picture of how power is distributed can sometimes blind people to the potential for people who check all our right boxes to be corrupted by the trust they are given.

Is this supposed to be satire?


The rumors have been around for a while but I bet now that the NYMag article gains traction, more and people are going to come out of the woodwork saying how they, too, have had doubts about BLM leadership for ages. And maybe it’s true. But I’ll bet money that part of the reason this went on unchecked for so long is th

Pete is the only one I’m worried about in all this. 

I’ll admit it: I want to believe in the Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson love saga. Sure, we’ve been cynical about the realness of their love because Hollywood is a big fat lie and all the world’s a stage. But perhaps there’s something... a morsel of real, earnest love here. And if there’s not, well, these two are

I get it. But I’d rather be forced to watch an ad before being able to read the content. The minute I see that it’s a video, I close the tab and I don’t watch it. At least if I knew that what came after the video was written context, there’s a chance I’d actually be willing to sit through it (on mute) until I could

Why is this a video?

When will people understand the NFL doesn’t give a shit about women, whether they’re cheerleaders, wives/girlfriends/victims of the players, or even the women fans? They don’t give a shit about racism, either, as evidenced by the reaction to kneeling players.

I certainly hope so.

These idiots need to pause them until at least after the midterms. At the very least use this for political gain, for fuck’s sake. Amateurs.

Progressives and their pie in the sky ideological purity are just as bad. They think like activists, which is great if you’re working as an activist but not if you’re part of a political party and have to be strategic and know how best to build alliances and work the system for yourself and your party, which is what