
I think their love of attention is greater than their love for each other.


Gawd, she’s so fucking basic. Down to her obsession with weddings and (Instagrammable) romance.

I love Rihanna to death but even I have to admit she gets away with a lot of shit most other celebrities would be crucified for. 

Came here to say the same thing. No dick is good enough if it’s attached to that brain. 

They’re spineless and they don’t understand that the only way you win at politics is by playing dirty. Republicans know this and this is why they constanatly outmaneuver the Dems. The Democratic electorate needs to realise this too and stop wanting their representatives to be ideologically pure goody-two-shoes. 

When’s the vote? It needs to happen now. I don’t trust Democrats not to fuck it up somehow or get outmaneuvered by the Republicans (who let’s face it, are much savvier politicians and know that politics is fought in the gutter, unlike the virtue-signalling idiotic Democrats and half their base that’s either too naive

She can do better. Antonoff’s a huge dweeb and I kind of get asshole vibes. 

Well written, well thought out piece. It’s been a minute since I read one of these on Jezebel. Well done.

Interesting topic. Too bad I have no interest in watching a stupid video.

What’s worse is that now I recognize that Palin-style candidates are the norm for the GOP - ignorant, unstable, and dangerous - and that Democratic leadership is incapable of the bare-knuckle, back alley politics it’s going to take to drive these people out of office.


Thank you.

Zendaya’s is an amazing nod to it and belongs on the list of all time best Oscar looks but Sharon’s is effortless, no custom designer piece necessary. Sharon’s is iconic. In the true sense of the word.

I’ve never liked Chris Rock more. Basically, he was the only voice of reason throughout the whole thing. 

I agree. I meant in this particular instance. It was a slap between two grown men.

LOL first thought was “that’s a rough 28". Glad I’m not the only one.

Sure, but describing it as traumatic is a little much. That word gets overused far too much these days. 

That’s really how they should solve this. Instead of the Academy running around like headless chickens trying to pretend it’s doing something, or listening to the trauma karens acting like Will Smith deserves a life sentence. 

No, and if he’d slapped a kid I’d feel differently too. Because they’re not the same thing.