
Rob Kardashian and Tyga are publicly calling bullshit on Blac Chyna’s child support claims. [E! Online]

Really? I can’t say I’ve been a witness to many fights but on the rare occasion it’s happened, they were pretty minor skirmishes everyone got told to calm down and go home, and no one was arrested or sent to jail. Everyone’s all ‘fuck the police’/ACAB and then someone gets slapped and you want to call the cops and get

I totally agree. In the moment, in the middle of a live broadcast, it didn’t make sense for the organizers to escalate the situation, especially since it was just a slap and Rock wasn’t in any danger and I’m sure everyone there just wanted the awkwardness over.

This happened at the Oscars in front of a live audience and the entire world saw it. The entire world is allowed to have an opinion, sorry if that pisses you off. You don’t have to agree with what people say and god knows there’s been a lot of hypocrisy and hot takes and people should think twice before making their

A grown man slapping a grown man isn’t the same thing as a grown man slapping a little old lady or a child, so no it’s not the same. Reminds me of this hot take which is even dumber than Judd Apatow’s tweet:

That’s what I thought too and then it was confirmed yesterday (sorry can’t find the link) that the line was ad-libbed by Rock and wasn’t part of the script.

Jesus fucking christ! This is one of those times when I can’t help thinking Republicans aren’t 100% wrong about Liberals losing their minds with political correctness. 

I would love to see Chris Rock accept the apology, and issue his own apology for the tasteless joke, and I don’t really think anything else is necessary. Smith fucked up but let’s not blow stuff out of proportion either. 

And I have no idea if Rock could sue them for failing to remove Smith and thus creating an unsafe work environment, or some other civil suit equivalent. But if that’s remotely possible, then the Academy won’t do anything that could be construed as an admission that they agree the situation was serious. They are now

You seem to have a very all or nothing approach to the world. Most of us are capable of both condemning the Academy’s hypocrisy AND recognizing that Will Smith fucked up and did the right thing by apologizing. Also, this happened on live TV so it would look pretty bad if they didn’t at least put out a statement saying

I can’t help but wonder if Will’s actions had more to do with guilt over having laughed at the joke first, before seeing Jada’s face and that she was definitely not amused.

You know common sense and actually explaining how things work and pointing out that the president can’t just wave a magic wand and make all the progressives’ dreams come true, doesn’t go over well on Jezebel? Neither does pointing out that until progressives make up the majority of the Democratic party and electorate,

If someone is physically attacked, violence might be justified to protect them from further physical harm. There isn’t really any reason to respond with words with anything other than words, even though I understand why it happens.

Lol yes pity me for not wanting anything to do with men who resort to violence towards others out of some backward idea they’re proving their love or “defending my honor”, or who are abusive toward women. Luckily there are plenty of real men out there that aren’t backwards troglodytes. 

I bet the fathers who commit honor killings love their daughters too, and the men who beat their wives. Love isn’t an excuse or a justification. You can love someone and still be an abusive asshole and still be drowning in toxic masculinity. And if you’re saying you’d act the same trust me your problem isn’t your love

I’ don’t quite get your point. Are you saying that because they were ok with Regina Hall’s joke about their rumoured open marriage and Jada’s entanglements, it was ok to make fun of her alopecia?

I could see how it could be taken that way but I still think that they’re different things. Like if someone comes forward with their cancer story and even makes jokes about it, that doesn’t mean that it’s fair game for comedians to make fun of that. But if, say, you’re Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin and you tell the

I’m the first to criticize Will Smith for what he did but the people acting like Chris Rock was actually in danger or like this was a really horrible assault (I’m looking at you Judd Apatow’s Twitter) are almost as bad as Tiffany Haddish romanticizing toxic masculinity and that she wishes she had a man who defended

Men of all races have been committing crimes over real or perceived slights on ‘their’ women, and the problem is that a) they think women belong to them and b) they think ‘their’ women are an extension of themselves and their own honor.

I get it and for me the difference between the two is that Jada’s alopecia is an illness and beyond her control, and in no way her fault, so joking about it is tacky and a low blow at worst, and a huge foot-in-mouth moment by the joke writers and Rock at best. Not that it excuses Will Smith’s behavior but I get JPS