
Honestly, if that ceremony had had one more teaching moment, I would have puked. I agree Will’s reaction was uncalled for and made him look like an idiot but the whole ceremony was one big humourless teaching moment to the point that it took a literal fight to make it interesting. 

Yeah I think that’s a valid interpretation. And I want to think he wouldn’t be such an idiot to ruin his big night and his big nomination/win. 

Thank you!

I respect it as a choice to not give the average viewer a linguistic leg up that the white characters in the movie don’t have either. And it’s fair to assume the women probably said what they said because they knew wouldn’t be understood by the white characters.

It’s pretty terrifying how many people share your sad little narrow and puritanical views on what constitutes “acceptable art”. Passing the purity test isn’t actually mandatory. Yet.

Do you read fiction? Do you know how many novels are basically true stories that are then fictionalised by a writer? That’s what artists and writers do. Based on a true story is just a name for a specific type of fiction. Ideally, watching a movie like this would make people read the wikipedia article and compare

Based on a true story can still be pretty fucking removed from the true story and is not the same as ‘everything in this movie is true’ and should be taken with a massive grain of salt. I agree it’s misleading but there’s no law against that as long as you’re not claiming that it’s 100% true, and it’s up to people to

So you’re ok with teachers outing kids? What about kids with same-sex parents? Are schools supposed to pretend those kids’ families don’t exist? 

I agree people are ignorant as hell but that’s not Hollywood’s fault, or writers’ or musicians’ or visual artists’. Art isn’t there to be didactic, in fact the worst art is the didactic kind, it’s almost always heavy handed and earnest. The issue isn’t so much with the movies you list (and others) but the fact that

“Her apparent inability to see how these shenanigans might actually cause someone to lose a custody battle also demonstrates that she’s got a lot of work to do before she can manage any real self-awareness.”

Eh. Cut her some slack, she’s just now getting help and beginning her journey to sobriety, she’s not going to have everything figured out a few weeks later. And it’s not like she isn’t facing consequences, the whole thing is super humiliating and will most likely cost her her political career. What more does Twitter

Why does Hollywood think it has to nominate Nicole Kidman for every single role she takes? Especially since she can’t even really move her face anymore and it’s really affected her acting. Kristen Stewart also doesn’t deserve to be there for Spencer, and in general I find her quite overrated. Honestly, Hollywood

But that was in the oirginal series, no? Not AJLT.

She sounds awful but the blame lies with all the people entertained by her idiocy and who kept her going. Same with all the other idiot influencers out there. They only exist because there’s an audience who loves this shit. I’d rather arab myself in the eyes with rusty corkscrews but I seem to be in the minority on

This. At the end of the day cheerleading is still women being the side show to support the real stars: the men playing. As long as this continues to be the case, cheerleaders will never be respected. Stop being the sideshow and make it a sport in and of itself. 

Totally. We’re also taught that sex is something men do to women, something to be experienced passively. Not something where women are allowed to say what they want, what they like, and where they have as much right to pleasure as men do.

This is pretty elementary, and the fact that more women aren’t doing it, and that men are offended if some women do,  is a huge part of the problem. 

You don’t ‘need’ a lot of things. We really don’t ‘need’ much beyond food, shelter, and maybe some company every once in a while. That’s a dumb ass disingenuous argument I’ve noticed a lot of progressives like to make when they don’t have concrete arguments to back up their opinions, or when they want to cancel

They failed at being woke and feminist too, though lol. I mean, they basically gave each women a token friend of colour (Miranda even got two!) and Charlotte got a trans kid but the whole thing felt like they were checking off boxes.

I had totally forgotten about that! That’s how memorable the stories were to me lol