
What health issues get addressed in AJLT? Other than Big’s heart attack I don’t remember any of the women getting sick. But then I did fast forward during parts where the dialogue was just too cringe to bear.

Seriously. The author is either really politically naive or really disingenuous. Any time a governor or head of state vetoes a bill that was put forward by their own party, they’re going to put the emphasis on the procedural or financial reasons for the veto, rather than the substance. It’s called damage control.

You live in the US, right? Does any other country on earth place this much importance on sports, including at kids’ level? I’ve never lived or been anywhere that did. I still find it fucking weird how many people I know who spend thousands and thousands of dollars and sacrifice every fucking weekend they have so they

That’s usually the case when a head of state or a governor vetoes a bill that was brought forward by their own party. They’re going to put the emphasis on the administrative/procedural stuff, not on the substance. 

After reading this, I have more questions than answers. Some thoughts:

I doubt men before that were more generous and giving lovers, though. Porn might cause a different set of issues but I doubt women are orgasming less now than 40 years ago.

Sounds like it was a totally different situation than Britney and like Bynes’ mom respected her daughter’s autonomy. I don’t think this should be framed the same way as Britney’s because it sounds like the conservator ship was good for Bynes and she even recognizes it, at least per her lawyer. And it’s refreshing to

I never said I had a definitive solution, just that the men-women binary categories seems outdated, or at the very least insufficient and unfair. I don’t know if the solution would be size, physical ability, testosterone levels, etc. and I imagine there would be variations depending on sports, etc. I actually agree

Don’t lump all Polish people in with their government. Lots of people are not ultra Catholic and conservative, unfortunately opposition parties haven’t been able to get elected in big enough numbers and these repressive right-wing governments in Eastern Europe have really stifled the media and opposing voices. If

Tell me you just found out Poland is a far-right, ultra-nationalist, ultra-Catholic country without telling me you just found out Poland is a far-right, ultra-nationalist, ultra-Catholic country.

I do think we need to move away from the gender binary in sports and have categories based on physical ability or size, like in boxing, etc. It doesn’t make sense to try to fit all of humanity’s gender and physical diversity into two outdated categories.

None of her relationships are healthy either. 

Eh. They’re great books. I read them and loved them though the movies are hit and miss, but I can think of way worse things for people to be obsessed with. The books and the world Rowling created are not the same as her comments and there’s no need to shame people for enjoying things.

First, Julia was Kanye’s victim who still deserved to be respected despite her limitless thirst, but now that she was caught deviating from the acceptable Kanye/Kim narrative, it’s cancellation time.

I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one that thought, who cares? Even if she did make it up. How is this a big enough deal to get HR involved? Are we really becoming this puritanical?

“I didn’t say anything about the murderer or the rapist. I think they deserve life in prison. Do you think we should follow the Nordic method for those two as well? A hug, comfy cell and some playstation and big screen tv in their cell?”

“I have to be honest and say that I am against war with all the fibers of my soul. It is not only about every other Russian perhaps having relatives or friends living in Ukraine, or about my grandfather being Ukrainian and me being quarter Ukrainian. It is that we continue to live as if this were the 20th century,

Tech companies, like any other company, will do what they can get away with legally. As long as there’s no regulation, relying on tech companies to wilfully behave ethically - at the expense of profits - won’t get you very far. Or not until something horrible happens and gets a lot of attention... Especially when

So what you’re saying is no one should take any measures to mitigate the damage of these policies for at least some people, until a general solution is found to stop states from being able to adopt these policies in the first place? Are you also against companies that offer maternity leave even though it’s not

To be fair, I think TMZ basically accosted her outside Barry’s Bootcamp so I doubt she had time to prepare an eloquent response but she could have just said no comment... But given how thirsty she is I doubt she was going to waste the opportunity for more attention.