
So? He’s also an idiot and a lot of other things but I wasn’t aware those were criminal offences deserving of prison.

“After all, many things could be true: Gore and Wood could have fabricated a letter, and he also could have raped and abused Wood for years. A fraudulent doc would not render her story automatically untrue; her motivation for doing so could have amounted to gilding the lily for the sake of convincing others of

Nothing needs to be a video. I’m not even watching it. I would have read it but I have no interest in watching videos and I wish the powers that be at Jez would realise that. I doubt many people watch these videos and they always have very few comments.

Just please spare me the performative anguish about it.

Into Every Generation doesn’t answer the question of whether it’s possible to separate the art from the artist, but it does love—and lovingly critique—the art without letting the artist off the hook.

I love Riri but can’t say I love her pregnancy looks so far (except for the one with the fur), however I will defend them to the death because I get such a huge kick from all the boomers moaning about how she should just go naked already.

Those studies say the protection provided by breastmilk beyond age 6 months lasts weeks, basically.

I think it’s a cultural thing. Americans are really squeamish about boobs in general. In most of Western Europe people would judge you but not because of the (non-existent) sexual aspect or nudity and more because they would probably think the mother is overly attached and is the one who doesn’t want to wean.

It was also an off the cuff remark during an awards ceremony and nerves probably played a role.

It was a thoughtless comment but far from an ‘attack’. Do we have to blow everything out of proportion and describe it in exaggerated terms? 

Oh, I don’t disagree with you. I’m hoping at least blue states will be able to retain those rights but overall it’s a horrible situation and I don’t really see it changing for at least a generation, unless there’s a major demographics shift of blue people to red states. 

Except that won’t work because far left Democrats don’t have the necessary popular support outside of very specific places (like AOC who can easily win in New York but wouldn’t have the same level of success if she were in the majority of even blue states, or anywhere else in NY state that isn’t NYC), and also because

The right wingers started obsessing over the courts decades before Democrats and the left even caught on to what was going on, and now that hey have a conservative super majority in the Supreme Court their minority rule isn’t going anywhere for at least a generation.

I said more or less the same thing in the other piece on Jez that mentioned William’s comment. It’s true. War is not something younger people living in Europe have ever experienced close to home, with the exception of the Balkans war but that was already over 25 years ago. But William should not have said that because

Why? Is someone holding a gun to her head and forcing her into a love triangle with these two insufferable twats? 

I understood that as her being immature like a teenager, not that they were implying something sordid about Elon Musk, who also seems pretty emotionally immature. 

Your Breivik example doesn’t hold any water because if after those 21 years he is still deemed a danger, that sentence can be extended indefinitely because there are provisions in place for the worst criminals.

I think the focus should be on rehabilitation, not punishment for the sake of punishment, or as a deterrent, which I don’t think is effective. If it were up to me, the prison system would look more like it does in the Nordic countries, probably even more liberal than that. They have way lower recidivism rates, which

Chelsea’s easily as thirsty as Grimes and Elon.

I was going to say it’s hard to tell who’s more thirsty between Grimes and Manning. And totally agree, the two deserve each other. And they deserve Elon Musk.