
This. The man is pretty hot. Especially for a world leader. A category where, let’s be honest, it’s pretty slim pickings. He’s one of 3 good looking heads of state (the other 2 being Macron and Trudeau). 

It’s not just Adams. I doubt any US city will still have a vaccine mandate by the end of March. The mayor of DC resisted a vaccine mandate in the first place, didn’t put it in place until Jan 15 of this year, and she just scrapped it too.

I think that might be part of it and honestly if it means Democrats at least keep Congress and the Senate in the midterms, it’s worth it.

Pardon my ignorance but wouldn’t it be safer for trans women if cis straight men could filter them out of their potential matches? As shitty as that is. While I get that this severely limits options for trans women, are these men really options if they would have chosen not to be matched with trans women if they

If she had said that I would happily rethink my opinion of her.

I think you’re doing people a disservice by including examples of people banned for being trans or fat, with cases of people banned for trying to use a dating app to score drugs.

Oh, I agree with you. But that doesn’t make their security concerns ‘valid’ which is what the person I was responding to was claiming. 

So you’re saying you don’t know anything about History or you’d realise Ukraine has been strategically important to both Western Europe and Russia for centuries. This started way before Putin.

Again, Russia’s concerns are only valid if you think they have a right to basically have an empire and to essentially own all the countries on their western border to use as a buffer to Europe, regardless of what those countries want.

I didn’t know progressive and American was synonymous with ignoring facts and ignorant hot takes! Though given the nonsense that you and others regularly post here, I shouldn’t be surprised.

They’re not valid security concerns because it’s not like countries joining NATO don’t want to join NATO and get closer to the West instead of expressing fealty to Putin.

Then why even write about it? And if they must, maybe just say that it’s awful and post links to reliable news sources that actually know what they’re talking about?

Absolutely. A lot of this isn’t new, if you know anything about European history. 

Maybe they meant war in the West but even that isn’t correct. There was the Balkans war in the 90s. There are so many baffling hot takes in this piece. It’s truly amazing that they even published it. 

Not that I expect brilliant international relations analysis from Jezebel, but I have to love how for all the complaining about imperialism, this is the most America-centric analysis of Ukraine I have ever seen. There isn’t even a mention of Europe, their over reliance on Russian gas (especially Germany), NATO,

Why do Rob Kardashian or Blac Chyna think the world gives a shit what they have to say about their ongoing lawsuit that everyone had forgotten even existed?

I will never understand people’s enthusiasm for believing unfounded claims of all kinds. I don’t know if it’s that people are very paranoid and constantly think someone is trying to hide something from them, or they’re bored and are looking for drama/excitement wherever they can get it.

I won’t comment on who’s been spiteful and who hasn’t because I doubt the tabloids are painting an honest portrait and they always try to make women look bad so who knows.

I think they’re both dragging this on - her to stop him getting custody and him to keep dragging it out so the kids age out of the custody battle and it becomes a moot point - and being petty assholes but I think she genuinely needed the cash. Her acting career isn’t what it used to be, all her attempts at becoming a

My guess is that’s the maximum sentence, if there were aggravating circumstances. If there weren’t and he doesn’t have a record, he probably won’t go to jail. Europeans are much less prison-happy than the US.