
Don’t shoot the messenger.

I understand the fear and I’m sorry you went through a horrible loss with your first pregnancy that naturally made you more risk averse.
But this is a personal essay, and when talking about the pandemic it’s important to separate the individual, emotional, the anecdotal, from the facts that we do know and the public

Because the US may have the wealth and economy of a first world country, but the social safety net and healthcare system of a poor, developing nation. 

Why do you think I’m defending Baldwin when all I said is I didn’t understand why the person who wasn’t injured or killed during this is suing? I clearly said Halyna’s family was right to sue the producers (including Baldwin).

I don’t know. The extreme litigiousness of this country is something I’m still not used to. I find it strange and unhealthy. 


They might not admit to it but he appeals to contrarians in general and there’s a lot of those among liberal dudes too. It’s like with Dave Chappelle. Netflix and Spotify know that it makes sense to hold on to them. Men love to be told they know better than everyone else. 

I’m aware of that. But there has to be a reason they’re not going after him for that. Maybe it’s hard to get a conviction or something? 

I don’t think Shailene has an issue with his anti-vaxx views either. I think she’s smart enough to get vaxxed rather than lose jobs but dumb/woowoo enough that she probably doesn’t believe in vaccines.

It’s a joke but ok.

“There’s no saving (beauty pageants and cheerleading)“ Do you mean there’s no saving those things from being sexist, or those things are declining in participation and will go extinct?

If the actual victim’s family is suing - rightfully so -, what incentive does the other staff member have to sue in civil court unless it’s for money?

They’re following local mandates. This is on the state of California, not festival organizers.

I think cheerleading is like beauty pageants. There’s no saving it. These women are dancers and athletes, they should focus on that and join a dance troupe instead of cheerleading for the NFL. They have an awful track record toward women, that they have no interest in repairing.

I mean maybe some people think artistic genius being weird but I think most people just think crazy clown pulling more public stunts and no one takes him seriously.

He’s definitely stalking but you’re right, I think public antipathy towards the Kardashian family partly explains a lot of the apathy towards it. But I think a big part of it is also Kanye’s looooong history of attention grabbing stunts and bullshit and no one takes him seriously anymore, like when he said he was

I admit I haven’t watched the documentary so my knowledge is limited but maybe it’s because these women willingly took out loans and gave him the money? Even if it was based on lies, they technically gave him money of their own free will. Kind of how the 62K Rachel charged to her card for Anna Sorokin/Delvey wasn’t

Why is she suing?

That’s a really long comment and a lot of speculation about my friend, who doesn’t live in the US so it’s not like she’s regularly exposed to Korean-American men. She grew up in Korea, studied in Europe, went back to Korea but eventually went back to Europe after several years of trying to conform to family pressure