
I don’t think Asian men treat Asian women any better than white men do. It might be for different reasons and the fetish aspect might be removed from it but I doubt they’re getting more respect within their own community than outside it. A Korean friend once said she avoids dating Korean men because she wants to

I think Charles will make sure Andrew is never again present at any kind of royal event where photographers are present, and he’ll never get another cent from the crown money. He’ll probably also prevent Andrew from living for free in any of the royal properties so he’ll have to pay for his own place. But he can’t

Re: my previous comment. Sorry, her fortune is valued at 400-500 million, not billion. Can’t edit my comment anymore.

Sorry, her fortune is valued at 400-500 million, not billion. Can’t edit my comment anymore.

I think he settled now while his Mom’s still alive to pay the settlement, because you know that money came from the Queen’s private fortune and since Andy’s her favorite she paid up, and on top of that he’ll probably get a large inheritance from her private money and since he’ll already have settled with Giuffre, no

Martha is the rare case where going to prison made her cooler and more popular. 

I want the be Martha when I grow up.

Yeah there’s definitely class privilege involved in naming your kids. But I would argue even money isn’t quite enough. Yes, the Kardashian spawn will go to private schools but I would argue they will continue to be looked down on by those with money, education and legit upper class provenance. Like, if you’re Gwyneth

Woolfleigh, La’Wolf, Wulph, Wolfden (siblings are Jayden, Cayyden, Brayyyden and Muhkeighla), the possibilities are endless. 


I think it’s a money move more than a career move, maybe for women, like Katie Holmes, whose acting talent is negligible and whose fame and success had already peaked. I think Katie started dating Tom as a career thing (and his psycho ass thought he was helping by insisting everyone call her ‘Kate’ all of a sudden) but

I certainly hope so. 

Um, you’ve got problems if this is a big deal to you and you’re seriously traumatized and upset by having to remove your shoes in peoples’ homes, which is a totally acceptable custom. Like, maybe you should talk to someone because I think your issues go way beyond whether or not someone is an accommodating host.

what the fuck is their problem? that’s some shitty, passive-aggressive nonsense right there and it will never end unless your partner tells them. 

It’s so weird to me that there are people worrying about having to take their shoes off at someone’s house and if they wore the right socks. Like, chill, trust me, no one gives a shit about your socks, and the person whose house you’re at cares a hell of a lot more about not getting dust and debris from your shoes all

It’s definitely the case in Switzerland too. Most people even keep a few extra pairs of slippers around, for guests. 

I didn’t know people just let their pets’ and their kids’ shit and piss lying around the house for anyone to drag their feet in, or that they never vacuum. If I’m having people over, you better be sure I’ve cleaned and vacuumed but even if I’m not, the roomba is out at least once a day and I take care of the rest with

God, you sound like an arrogant, entitled, anti-animal asshole. No offense lol. I’m really turned off by people who think pets are filthy, it’s just such a huge red flag because it’s never an isolated trait. It’s always accompanied by other, annoying neuroses and petty traits. It’s like people who are rude to wait

The pandemic brought out a lot of xenophobia and pettiness on both sides, not just Conservatives. There was also a broad anti-foreigner sentiment among people in favour of the measures, and were in favour of strict border closings and blaming foreigners for the virus, even in the face of growing caseloads that had

I grew up in Canada and Switzerland, with Latin American parents so removing shoes isn’t part of Latin culture but because of where we lived we all transitioned seamlessly to removing our shoes at the door, because we realised how much better it is in terms of a) keeping floor clean and free of debris and b) it’s so