
After two years, people are fucking sick of the restrictions and mandates. Even people who vote Democratic may understand what you’re saying on an intellectual level but most people are done and the last thing that’s going to get them riled up is this story. So yeah, making a fuss about this in 2022, three calendar

Between that and suggesting a civil war in another comment, are you aware of where you live? Assuming you’re American. First, your civil war, you’d be on the side that doesn’t own a gazllion guns and you’d get your ass handed to you. And as for treating people who hate mask wearing as assault, have you seen who

what’s your point and  how does that have anything to do with this movie sucking?

Thank you. I don’t think the solution to colourism in films and TV is for biracial people to stop taking jobs and I hate the implication of the writer that it’s what Newton should be doing. Even white actresses aren’t immune from being labelled as ‘difficult’ and blacklisted for taking these types of positions or

Don’t Look Up was preachy and unsubtle which, hey, maybe some people need that to get a fucking clue about climate change and misinformation, etc. even though the likelihood of this movie being watched by people who aren’t already liberal is pretty small. But ok, let’s say that’s who you’re aiming for. Then at least

Why do people think anyone ‘owes’ them a response on social media? I think blocking anyone who is annoying or being critical or asking too many questions is a legitimate response, even if their criticism is valid. The only smart and healthy approach to social media is to keep doing it as long as it serves you, and

Thank you.

Don’t Look Up lacked subtlety. And it felt like the first rough cut of a movie, not a completed project. 

That movie is unwatchable. How do you make that story, and Gucci and Italy, so totally unsexy and uninteresting?

I’m actually pleasantly surprised she was snubbed. What I don’t get is why she was even nominated for the other awards. House of Gucci is basically unwatchable and I didn’t think much of her performance either, starting with the accent. It was a terrible idea to give all the actors accents but the others did a

LOL no, at 8 I really wasn’t questioning anything about the church and honestly I didn’t even give a s hit about my first communion beyond that I was doing it with my cousins and we’d have a party with lots of presents after. I learned two prayers by heart but really it was done because my cousins were doing theirs so

Maybe it’s a trope for a reason? Few people have achieved body acceptance in high school. I can’t think of a single girl who was overweight in school and didn’t struggle with it. I’m sure there were skinny girls with body issues too but it’s not the same when you blend in with the majority.

I mean, it takes one to know one so I too am inclined to believe she has the right take on Ye and his nonsense. 

Religion is optional, and personal. Not the same as education, or culture. Religion isn’t homework. Making your kids study isn’t the same as making them take part in a religious ritual against their will.

Sorry but I think traditions should only apply to the people who think they’re important. If the kid doesn’t want it, don’t make them. If you do you’re only doing it for yourself and your own need to control and/or because of your own superstitious beliefs that your kids don’t have to share. 

Yeah, obviously it all got played up for dramaz but I think Charlotte basically steamrolled over her kid and there was at least one scene before the final episode where she ignores her any objections, and didn’t get that the issue went beyond whether it’s called a bat mitzvah or a they mitzvah. It’s on Charlotte for

Sorry I think forcing religion on your kids is shitty, no matter how important it is to you as a parent.

Frankly Steve and Miranda’s relationship was built on Steve being in love and Miranda not wanting to be alone with a surprise baby she seriously thought about aborting. Yeah I said it. It made perfect sense for Miranda to break up with him once again and change her circumstances when she was middle aged.

Frankly Steve and Miranda’s relationship was built on Steve being in love and Miranda not wanting to be alone with a surprise baby she seriously thought about aborting. Yeah I said it. It made perfect sense for Miranda to break up with him once again and change her circumstances when she was middle aged.

Um, sure, and that wins you elections how?