
the fact is that Twitter amplifies the voices of a handful of people and big digital media outlets that set the narrative for a certain very high profile class of consumer that, despite their loud voices, represents a pretty tiny slice of even the 18-49 bucket.

Gal Gadot’s husband is super hot.

Call me when Taylor Swift, Bey and Jay, or anyone else with a deal worth as much as Rogan’s does the same. Until then, this is going the way of the campaign to get Netflix to pull the the Dave Chappelle special. 

It’s nuts though. I mean, plenty of other governments don’t drug test their employees and those countires have yet to collapse as a result, you know what I mean?

Not in terms of birth defects or neonatal abstinence syndrome but definitely in terms of potential for abuse or neglect. But yeah, I agree drug testing women is selective and unfair and ignores many, many other factors that can be damaging to a baby.

No one is saying drugs are good for foetuses but why the double standard/insistence on drugs, and not the same vehemence when it comes to other things that are just as bad? 

Why would you test everyone though? Someone could be a horrible mother, abusive, or a violent alcoholic but their drug tests will come back clean if they haven’t had a drink in the past day and that’s just fine because it’s not drugs? But you just HAVE to drug test to make sure no drug addicts are out there keeping

But none of that explains why she was even tested in the first place?

I still think it’s fucking trippy that so many Americans are subject to drug tests through their jobs. It’s fucking crazy. I get it if you’re operating heavy machinery or flying a plane or something but otherwise, leave people the fuck alone. Add this to the long list of weird shit Americans find socially acceptable

I know you’re mostly joking but all the talk about a resistance is pretty dumb. This isn’t a TV show.

I don’t remember cringing this hard during the original series. Definitely the 2 movies that are just beyond terrible. And definitely all throughout AJLT. Some of the dialogue is so cringe I had to fast forward.


You’re conflating two different things - Whoopi’s intent in general, and whether or not what Whoopi said was antisemitic. So far I haven’t seen anyone calling Whoopi anything but antisemitic, which fails to acknowledge that Jews weren’t the only racial group targeted by the Nazis. You don’t think that’s a blind spot

Oh, I agree. The two week cooling period probably isn’t even aimed just at Whoopi but at the disproportionate shitshow this has generated in general, to make it go away. I’m just fucking sick and tired of living in a world where everything gets blown into a disproportionate shitshow and there is zero space for nuance

Yeah, but you’d also be less mad or maybe not mad at all at someone who stepped on your foot by accident then at someone who intentionally stomped on you. Even if the injury to your foot is the same. Because intentions matter.

So far that’s the only reactions I’ve seen. Correct me if I’m wrong. I also disagree that intentions don’t matter. They certainly do. There’s a big difference between Whoopi’s ignorance and someone who is intentionally anti-Semitic. Both need to correct behaviour but this is hardly comparable to, say, Robert Kennedy

You think this is a sex scandal?

Is it antisemitic though, or more broadly racist/ignorant? Because to call her comments only anti-semitic ignores the million + Roma, the approximately 6 million non-Jewish Soviet civilians, the Serbs, and other groups that were also persecuted and killed. But it also ignores the other groups persecuted for other

Maybe I’m missing something but while I agree with you she’s wrong (said so I’m my comment) and her comment was kind of weird as is her understanding of race which seems to lump anyone not brown or black into a single race even though the nazis didn’t and that’s the distinction that matters here, but still I don’t see

The difference is Whoopi is generally likeable, and can be really funny. Megan McCain is fucking annoying, unlikeable, and her comments and positions don’t really come from a good place.