
It’s really not that hard. Unless told otherwise, just assume it’s a sensitive topic and don’t bring it up unsolicited, unless you want to be an asshole.

LOL ok, Steve. 

Yeah, ever heard of the concept of biographical fiction?

Or that when you hire someone, all you look at are their skills on paper and not things like personality or how they would fit into the team, which isn’t an objective procedure at all and definitely makes the process sensitive to the biases of those doing the hiring.

Good for you. 

Actors aren’t the characters they play in TV shows and movies. I’m sad that this still needs to be said to adults. 

Miranda was never in love with Steve. That stupid bridge scene in the movie doesn’t change that. 

Are there actually people out there who like Steve?

I’m hate watching my way through AJLT. It’s truly awful. Miranda, Carrie and Charlotte have become such grotesque caricatures of themselves and Charlotte’s inflated face and mouth is awful, there’s so much shit in her lips she sounds like she’s drunk or has a speech impediment. Carrie is insufferable. 

I think this can blow up in people’s faces and have the opposite effect though. Unless artists like Tayor Swift and Beyoncé come out and remove their music from Spotify and are followed by pretty much all major artists, this will probably do the opposite and push more people to listen to Rogan’s show. Like the whole

This is why I don’t really want to rewatch it. It lives on in my mind the way I remember it as a kid. And I also loved Family Ties actually. Growing Pains I watched later, probably a couple of years later than it actually aired in the US because we were living in Europe by then and shows were at least 1-2 years

Ebola’s nowhere near as infectious as covid (thankfully).

You can be super talented and not a wonderful human. I agree he’s both a rapist and super talented, but I doubt he was ever a great person on the human level. 

I don’t know. I loved growing pains and family ties but my emotional connection to the Cosbys was somehow stronger, even though I’m white and I didn’t even grow up in the US. I think it has to do with the characters themselves.

Yes they would rather die. That’s not clear to you by now? 

I don’t think that’s with the documentary is saying. It’s acknowledging that Bill Cosby is both his crimes and also his immense cultural legacy. Like it or not, Bill Cosby isn’t just an disgraced rapist. He was too much of a cultural icon for that to ever be the case.

It’s not a generational thing and everywhere you go there are people who think like this. The difference is there are more of them in the US than most places since this shit is basically the philosophy upon which your religious fanatic ancestors founded this country, and by freedom they very much mean freedom from

Was he ever a wonderful human though?

We Need to Talk About Cosby could have been a very different documentary. It might have been called something like We Need to Talk About What Cosby Did, and framed its focus tightly on the crimes he’s accused of and their impact on his alleged victims’ lives. While the four-part series does feature lengthy and

There are so many what the fucks in this story, starting with not telling the family about her death and the fact that a cop with a connection to her Bumble date was allowed to be involved in the investigation. It won’t bring Lauren back but I hope her family sue the shit out of the police department and win.