
My work is trauma-informed, BIQTPOC-centered, pleasure-based, and has a foundation in anti-capitalist, antiracist, anticapitalist, intersectional and radical Womanist principles. All of that, combined with my inherent knack for empathetic witnessing and creating and holding safer, inclusive spaces, is what makes up

There’s that but also, as a foreigner living in the US let me tell you, you guys have capitalism and greed running through your veins. Everyone, left and right, is obsessed with money. The right with who they can exploit to make more of it, and the left with how to monetize injustice and when they think of resolving

What isn’t commodified in America? Maybe start with that but it would be a short list so it shouldn’t take long.

How is describing how he’s a fucked up liar on many different levels equivalent to subscribing to his grift?

I agree “female” the noun is a red flag when used instead of the word woman, but since when is it wrong to be grammatically correct and use it as an adjective? In this case, I was using ‘white, rich and female’ as descriptors/adjectives for Sebold, not as a noun. It would have been different if I’d “a rich white

The argument is... what kind of person repeatedly releases teasers to the public about his own abuse, promising big names in an attempt to get more cash?

Right, because here too the only options are being a judgemental Diane Sawyer, or being a yes-man/sycophant?

Being a survivor doesn’t mean you can’t also be a grifter and a liar, or that your behaviour is forever above reproach. He’s treating his abuse like a fundraiser, misdirecting the public and teasing ‘juicy’ big Hollywood names to drum up attention, and money. It’s gross. He’s up there with Rose McGowan, another one

So the only alternatives are letting everything out on social media, or bottling it all up? What about friends, doctors, coaches, spiritual healers or, shocking I know! - a good therapist. Basically, anyone she can vent to in a safe space without the added pressure of public exposure and judgement. 

I don’t think what she’s doing is particularly healthy though I understand the impulse. I think she may have shed the conservatorship but I don’t think she’s necessarily surrounded herself with the right people either. This is someone who was never allowed to mature like a normal adult, who never learned basic life

Corey Feldman might not be the best example though since he is kind of a scammer. He’s made a cottage industry out of his and Corey Haim’s abuse, constantly telling the press he’s about to spill a big industry name, drumming up donations on his site for “security”, and then at the last minute he never actually gives

What’s misogynistic about having eyes? Am I supposed to pretend her face hasn’t looked puffy and frozen for years now? It’s obvious, and it really affects her acting. 

I wish (the rich part at least). Unfortunately, I have to work for a living. But nice try, attacking someone’s (perceived) identity to deflect from the fact that you can’t defeat their arguments, and also thanks for inadvertently making my point - that some people just see a white, rich woman and automatically want to

Where did I say it wasn’t hard for her?

This. I find a lot of left-wingers insufferable and intolerant in their own way but when I see the level of whatthefuckery coming out of the right, I know I’m in the right place, even if I have to keep rolling my eyes and throwing my arms up in frustration at their incompetence and dogmatism.

I mean, the Axios poll also says this: “Between the lines: Democrats argue that GOP positions, spearheaded by President Trump - are far outside of the mainstream and polite conversation.” That’s a far more nuanced point than what their click-baity headline says, and which you were right to call out, but you also

Ok, then why would a rape victim be morally or ethically obligated to atone for mistakenly identifying the wrong man after being basically pressured by the police to do so and thrust into the legal system without any counselling or anyone to help her navigate it, and this in the wake of a brutal rape?

I mean, I’m sure it was hard but I’m also pretty sure the 2.5 million she was paid to stoke Friends nostalgia for an hour took away at least some of the sting.

The difference between Christine and the other celebrity women you mentioned is the fact that she’s a known pathological liar. Yes, I watch that stupid show and hate myself for it but can’t look away, and if there’s one thing we know about Christine is she lies about everything, out of convenience, to make herself

No, you’re not alone. This is fucking stupid. The Grey’s Anatomy comparison is on point. If people think that’s what hospitals and doctors are really like, that’s on them, not the show.