
You don’t take issue with that setting a precedent that if a rape victim identifies the wrong suspect, they can be held accountable if that testimony leads to a wrongful conviction? We already know our memories aren’t reliable, but that’s not something you should punish rape victims for, wouldn’t you agree? It’s

You don’t take issue with that setting a precedent that if a rape victim identifies the wrong suspect, they can be held accountable if that testimony leads to a wrongful conviction? We already know our memories aren’t reliable, but that’s not something you should punish rape victims for, wouldn’t you agree? It’s

Oh, I totally agree. It is beyond infuriating that someone of Kidman’s calibre and acting talent would be made to feel so insecure about her place in Hollywood that she feels the need to ruin her face with so much plastic surgery.

It’s been a while since it wasn’t a distraction. The latest things I’ve seen her in - The Undoing, Big Little Lies and now this trailer - her facial work is definitely a distraction and it really takes away from her performance. I don’t think it’s’ a stretch to say plastic surgery has diminished her acting abilities. 

That’s the whole point. As long as they are tied to other male athletic teams and they’re there to cheer them on, that’s all anyone is going to see. And yeah, the gymnastics are impressive but I’m sure most people just think that if they were truly serious about gymnastics, they’d be doing gymnastics instead of

Now playing

I swear most people don’t even see plastic surgery but it’s all I can see. Am I the only one who stopped being able to enjoy Nicole Kidman’s acting due to the insane amounts of plastic surgery? She can’t emote or move her face anymore, and her face is very pillowy/puffy from all the shit she’s had injected into it and

If not for the male gaze, what purpose do cheerleaders at major games serve?

Yeah, I feel sorry for the ones who actually view cheerleading for a major team as a viable, and respectable career and not the PG version of stripping to pay for college, which let’s face it is closer to the truth.

I’m sorry for the women who do this but I think as long as cheerleaders are associated with male athletic teams, they will always be seen as at best, supporting entertainment, at worst, sex objects and titillating entertainment for fans and players.

“I’m special and my pussy is so special it will magically transform this self-absorbed egomaniacal man-baby into a loving partner who respects me as an equal” LOL 

Thank you.

Harry and Meghan need to milk this for as long as possible because their lifestyle ain’t heap. I doubt they’ll still be as interesting in 5-10 years so they need to strike while the iron is hot. 

Also... not everyone from the same place speaks exactly the same.

Um, it’s pretty fucking easy to know if an accent is accurate or not. This isn’t some big philosophical question and there are experts out there that can help studios and it’s not like they don’t have money for it. 

No. Either don’t do accents at all, or do them right. 

Thank you. I hadn’t even thought of that. It would only further discourage rape victims from coming forward, which is the last thing we need. Unless someone intentionally perjures themselves, you can’t blame a victim/witness for accidentally identifying the wrong person. 

Morally, truly morally or just optically/politically the right thing to do?

Why would she have to pay, and not the state? It’s cops that manipulated her into identifying the suspect, it’s the state that didn’t have in place any kind of counselling for rape victims, it’s the criminal justice system that’s to blame for what happened and just because Sebold is rich and white doesn’t mean she has

Seriously. She is not the problem here. She was 18 and had just been brutally raped and it was 1981 so imagine the degree of sensitivity she was treated with in the aftermath. 

It’s kind of funny but it’s also all about one thing - being a survivor. A whole show about just that? It’s a lot. Even with the jokes, which don’t make me laugh enough to want to watch more. That’s not my idea of fun, which is what I meant about this being something I would see out of a sense of obligation/doing the