
LOL I get your point I just found him to be lazy, unsubtle, unimaginative, just really your basic dude-bro comedian. and sure, lots of people laughed because there are unfortunately a lot of basic dude bros out there.

HE WAS NEVER FUNNY. I never understood his appeal and I like a lot of politically incorrect/insensitive comedy because I really do think you can joke about anything provided it’s actually FUNNY. Like, you can be mean but if it makes me pee myself with laughter I’ll give you a pass.

He does. Thought at the end of the day I think they outgrew each other, or McKay outgrew Ferrell as a collaborator and he should have been a better friend and mature adult and said it, instead of all this bullshit. 

It’s super cowardly not to tell him he’d cast someone else. 

This. I think McKay was a coward to let it go down like that. At the same time it’s clear he’s evolved artistically and professionally whereas Ferrell hasn’t, and there’s no easy way to say that to someone who was your best friend. It was going to end badly regardless, unless McKay agreed to make the same movies as he

I mean, it’s Hollywood. I think being a phony, self-absorbed jerk is a core part of the job description.

You took my comment to mean I’m ok with unwanted touching? Wow, those are some circus contortionist level mental gymnastics right there, especially since I’ve been on the receiving end of unwanted touching many times.

Oh for fuck’s sake. Very few people would tell their brother to own his behaviour or seek counselling, or they might tell them to get counselling while ALSO doing everything in their power to help their brother not lose their job or go to jail. Especially when said brother’s fall from grace would also inevitably

Good luck with that. You guys are still really traditional in so many ways compared to Europe or Canada and the expectations placed on the First Lady. It’s a much smaller role in most countries, and it’s not as scrutinised. In France it’s basically non-existent.

She’s not actually doing the work. She has designers and staff who do it and Jill Biden just signs off on it. She’s not the one hanging up the decorations or sketching up the theme for this year.

Why? Because imagine the backlash if she didn’t.

I grew up in Europe and I thought it was normal that there be limits to how late you can perform an abortion, with exceptions for health reasons. Most countries it was 15-16 weeks, a few had it later (I think in the Netherlands it’s 20). It wasn’t until later that I learned the US doesn’t have limits in place, even

Or Kate or Camilla?

This is a a stupid and unnecessary product that is only exploiting american parents’ anxiety and neuroses. I feel like american parents are already going crazy enough between the helicopter parenting, competitive mommying, overscheduling, and overblown anxiety and worrying about shit parents everywhere else seem to be

I get your point - and I agree with it - but your examples were kind of undermining it. I mean, meth? Really?

Is this a news site? No. It’s a feminist pop culture blog, so why would they talk about Waukesha? I’m the first to bitch about Jez’ seemingly endless decline but I’m not seeing the issue here. 

Wine after 6 months and weed is a hell of a lot different than meth though, and even with weed and wine I doubt anyone is saying they’re “ok” and doctors are recommending it to their pregnant patients, it’s more of a “if you must, do it in very small amounts and later in the pregnancy” which is not the same thing.

Look, I totally agree with the gist of the article and the importance of ensuring all pregnant people can access compassionate, non-judgemental healthcare in a safe environment BUT there’s a huge difference between methamphetamine use during pregnancy and having the occasional glass of white wine past your 6th month

You’re forgetting an important detail: LeeLee Sobieski was able to leave the industry and become a painter without sacrificing much because she married a multi-millionaire. Her husband also quit his fashion design career around the same time so he could be a good dad and husband which is great but it’s also a lot

Do you think Kim Kardashian is looking for someone for the long haul, after years spent married to Kanye?