
Did she say you have to smile the whole time?

You know Chappelle doesn’t give a shit about Gadsby and he only made that comment because he knew it would get the exact type of response that you just typed out? He’s just feeding the outrage, and people keep falling for it and giving him more and more attention. 


I think it’s in response to the idea that progressives/Chappelle detractors/whatever you want to call the other side seem to assume that everyone is accountable to them, or the general idea that because someone is a public figure they are somehow accountable to every single person that takes issue with them. He’s

Finally, an adult.

Except the author of this blog is doing the exact same thing by getting all defensive and touchy because Chappelle said Gadsby wasn’t funny. He was clearly trolling and trying to get a rise out of his detractors. This blog post is the exact response he was going for, and once again the earnest progressives don’t know

Or maybe I don’t feel the need to pick sides between two extremes? And I’d rather make my own way depending on my own moral compass, because I don’t see the world in black and white. 

I haven’t felt the urge to rewatch it but I loved it as a kid and I still think it was an amazing show. Cosby’s a piece of garbage but he’ll be dead soon and besides, he wasn’t the only person on that show. There was a whole other cast, and it doesn’t make sense to destroy te entire cultural legacy of the show over

I’m not talking about myself - I said clearly I didn’t feel guilty and I don’t need to justify myself, thanks. I’m talking about people who have to write a whole blog post justifying their love for their problematic favourites. It seems very performative and dramatic. Either you stop enjoying their work or you don’t.

Maybe I’m just cold or something but I still have no trouble separating the artist from the art. If I like someone’s work, I like their work. I also have no trouble watching old James Bond movies despite the sexism because they’re old and they’re basically relics of another time and what exactly are we achieving by no

I’ve wondered the same thing but never seem to find any statistics. And I hate ride sharing companies, they pay their drivers like shit and don’t care about riders, and drive taxi and car services out of business. That said I still think there should be a comparison with traditional taxis too.

Sorry but you’re a moron. Just because pregnancy makes some people crazy paranoid and neurotic doesn’t mean you should lean into that shit. 

It’s not about individuals. It’s about being able to see beyond your personal reality and short term thinking and focusing on the big picture. And the big picture is that lack of vaccines in the developed world affects ALL OF US. In fact, thanks to that vaccine inequality, we’re all going to be living this dystopian

Fincher didn’t write the screenplay, Sorkin did. It’s the screenplay and the dialogue that make The Social Network a great movie. 

It cannot possibly be healthy to be so invested in a celebrity’s size (whatever it may be,) that a change of one sort or another feels like a betrayal. 

I don’t really watch his stand up but a friend of mine did and she said they sounded like a great couple and he clearly adored her.

This. The “other woman” and how people - but especially women - feel about her always determines how salacious the gossip gets. Munn was already disliked, especially by women, but she was always popular with men. It’s easy to cast her as the homewrecking whore. And Mulaney receives only minimal criticism and gets to

Dude, you’re medical personnel, it makes sense for you to get a booster. But the average Joe? 2 doses should be enough for now or until there are enough vaccines to make sure people in other countries get their first and second doses, before you start worrying about giving average citizens a booster. Even after the

You can tell me to fuck off all you want but it doesn’t change the fact that the only way to get out of this pandemic is to think globally and take the bird’s eye view. But hey, feel free to ignore epidemiologists and experts for the sake of your feelings and your anecdotal evidence based on your personal lived

At least in Latin America, the percentage of anti-vaxxers and skeptics is way lower than in the US. Also, it’s in the developed world’s interest to vaccinate the developing world because while I agree with you we’re never getting rid of it at this point, you also want to vaccinate as many people as possible to stop