
That’s due to people being too stupid to get vaccinated in the first place. Nothing to do with access to boosters. Also, it’s in your best interest for the rest of the world to get vaccinated because where do you think the next Delta (or worse) will come from if we keep letting the virus run rampant all over the

Yeah, and even more so considering Moderna is turning out to be the better vaccine. So far I haven’t seen any research about when Moderna starts to taper off. 

It’s contrarianism. But it’s also working.

Sorry but you’re stating something as if it were fact. When did it become Chappelle OR trans rights? The two can co-exist. I didn’t listen to right-wing religious paranoid fanatics when they claimed rap and metal were poisoning children’s minds and causing satanism and suicide, and I laugh at their calls for

That’s different than caving to public pressure to have something removed. I don’t care if the pressure is coming from the left or the right, it’s still bullshit and I’m way more terrified of that than I am of Chappelle’s jokes. 

I would argue that’s no longer the case. We can’t on the one hand complain that tech companies are getting too big, too powerful, with a degree of power and influence that previously only governments had, while continuing to disingenuously claim that censorship is something only the government can do.

I actually agree with them re: leaving the special up, just because in general artistic freedom is a hill I am virtually always ready to die on. But yeah, they haven’t managed the optics around this very well. 

Despite the generally positive reception stateside, the Biden Administration’s pursuit of COVID booster shots, first announced in August, has been met with criticism from international public health experts, some of whom question the move amidst global vaccination disparities between rich and poor countries. “We’re

In that case you have to also side with the uptight soccer moms and evangelicals who want kids’ fantasy books banned, along with songs with explicit lyrics and risqué music videos, or the anti-porn brigade, etc. They all claim that on screen content translates into real world harm.

Who says art has to be empowering/affirming? You could view it as misogynist and I still wouldn’t get the pearl clutching over nudity when I’m sure that screaming asshole lets his kids play ultra violent video games that make this artwork look like Mr. Rogers’ neighborhood.

Because they’re blaming them for the leak of internal metrics to the press. They better have evidence that the employee was the one responsible for the leak because firing a Black, pregnant employee is a really, really bad look.

If the left stuck to actual criticism instead of calling for shit to get banned (or pulled by Netflix) all the time, there wouldn’t be as much money in cancel culture. Nothing makes people want to watch - and defend - something as much as threatening to ban it. Nothing puts people more on the defensive snd makes them

Must be nice not to care about, you know, actually swaying public opinion and winning elections and having enough power to actually implement those values.

If the goal was to get Dave Chappelle unlimited free publicity and attention, and to devolve into culture wars bullshit that let him ignore the actual reviews for his special which aren’t that great, mission accomplished!

This. It’s crazy to me how people still think tattoos and copied fashions are enough to make someone actually ‘weird’ and/or interesting. They’re not.

Came here to say the same thing!!

There were a lot of blind items and rumours about Demi over t he years, that in addition to being a druggy they were also a total mean girl bully and lived to create drama basically among anyone who came into contact with them. So I would argue it’s been their MO for a long time but since they almost died last time

I don’t think she’s ever read a dictionary definition. She really should, she might say less stupid shit if she did. 

What ‘debate’? Demi Lovato saying a stupid thing publicly doesn’t make it a ‘debate’, it just means Demi Lovato opened their mouth that day. I don’t want to make a brain damage joke but I kind of feel like I have to...

Oh I know. I was responding to a commenter who seemed to think all his income came from his family and that this scandal hadn’t hurt him at all financially when it definitely has, thankfully. He’s also not a working royal anymore, so he’s lost that yearly allowance.