Conan the Librarian

“Although it is theoretically possible for Caucasians to master the game of Spades, I have never seen it happen.”

You failed to add another important place Spades is played: anywhere there is downtime in the US Army, which is where this Caucasian learned how to play Spades (and Dominoes too, but Black Dominoes, not Latino Dominoes)

Can’t wait for Gawker to post things that white people are considered cultural authorities on...

Join the Navy. Fastest way to learn.

Born and raised in LV here. Love/hate relationship with this town for sure, but one of those hates is finally being rectified in not having a major sports team. I remember how pumped I was for the XFL Outlaws. This is significantly better! The NHL is an actual legit organization!

This team will be more competitive than Edmonton in under 3 years of existence.

Thank goodness I knew what that was and didn’t click it. I’m not anti-charity but I am anti-thatsong.

If you don't vote for doormat salesman, fuck you.

I would love to see Deadspin and Jalopnik unshackled from the Gawker/Jezebel shitshow.

Spoiler alert, probably doesn’t mention David Geithner

Well thanks to Gawker articles we know for sure that someone has done the first two. I have high doubts as to the third scenario, though.

I’ve told this story a million times before, and I’ll keep telling it to the day I die. It’s kinda long, but fuck it, I think it’s a good one.

As a Minnesotan (which is pretty much Canada anyway), and a die hard hockey fan, this hurts a lot. The Gordie Howe Hat Trick is the greatest feat in sports, and I’ll fight anyone who disagrees. I will then need to somehow score a goal, and get an assist, but dammit I’ll do it anyway.

New Logo:

The only dirty thing here is Klay Thompson’s goatee, which should be arrested and launched into the sun on some sort of sun rocket. There is no guarantee it will be destroyed. In fact, there’s a good chance that the goatee manages to hijack the rocket and use the sun’s gravity and an altered trajectory to find its way

You are correct sir, horses have no point.

Whenever your friends suggest an activity that requires a lot of money being spent, suggest something else. If they want to go to a night club, suggest a movie night at home. If they want to go to a ball game, suggest a nice nature hike instead. If they want to go on a trip abroad, suggest spending a long weekend in