There it is! two comments in!
There it is! two comments in!
His wikipedia page reads like a villainous defense attorney in a Law & Order script
Ooooooh, Can you teach me how to pull this off at my job?
Gawkers Law all OVER this post and thread
Poor CH-46 gets no love
Go Flames
Gawkers Law
Says some RandomGuy
The fuck is going on with this blog..?
But is the gold worth its wait in salt?
If i were trying to co-opt a concept that science has been persistent about purely clicks while not regarding the damage I was doing to the actual case scientists are making for said clicks, I’d write EXACTLY like this. You are not a good person.
I enjoy this and the salty idiot thread it created, thank you lol this is adequate? I’m confused
THESE fucking guys....
I don’t. It was a stupid throw away joke.
they’re plants from paypal?
yeah its just an app that moves money, what a weird way to look at things.
....You and i live in very very different worlds....
Darren Rovell just wanders around malls going from store to store brand to brand smelling them deeply
good thing he was saving that arm...