
Uh, I feel like people in the 80's would have been all over that shit

Drivers-ed is optional in Canada too. In NS, you can write the test the day you turn 16, and are handed a license with an L on it (learners) which means you can only drive with a fully licensed driver and nobody else in the car for 6 months (reduced to 3 months if you take the drivers-ed course), then after the 3-6

“What would it cost to train everyone to be consistently as good as that Best Driver? Who would pay to train everyone?”

Uh, you as the driver have to pay for the training, and the license, just like it works today. I paid for drivers-ed (which includes the cost of the written test and road test) then I also paid for my

These allegations are from decades ago, and he denies it you know, and I think you have to listen to his side as well - Trump if this was an R

Dr. Evil, it’s 2017, $14,000 isn’t that much money....

We want... $140,000 - Dr. Evil

The problem is it doesn’t fit in the same class as those other cars you mentioned, and for that reason, it’s about $9k too much

I have read both sides of the argument, and I fail to see how removing net neutrality would be a positive thing, maybe you could enlighten me? 

wow, he literally ticks of every single box, so much winning

The majority of people understand, it’s just that we have a minority that is in office

that’s one upside, stupid Trumpkins don’t realize what will hurt them, and will complain that the liberal media (aka deep state) will cut off their access to their most beloved source of trump-dick-sucking-propaganda.

But they should be making more money! This is just another anti-capitalism approach that Obuma and his crooked admin placed upon the American people to limit the American economy. Trump is pro-business and anti-regulations, which means economic growth! Other countries don’t have net neutrality and they pay like $10

because companies weren’t considering doing what the author has mentioned, and when they started to toy with the idea of doing these things, the government stepped in and stopped it before it could happen

Highway of Hero’s - Toronto 

My small hometown in eastern Canada has like 4 bars, and one of them is called Shenanigan’s, pretty average cheap pub, nothing special. Also I didn’t realize the meaning behind Maxwell’s Plum until I just googled it, but there is one here in Halifax too

“scrappy self-made entrepreneur Ivanka Trump’ 

hahhahhahhha, thanks for the laugh


To be fair, you only get to meet Larry Bird once

Can’t wait for the divorce papers!

I know that is true for most teams, and I think last year the Seahawks ended with like 3 straight divisional games, but this year they have just 2 such games in their last 5 weeks.

“I told you last week that I did the right thing for this football team and I believe that.”

Losing that game was entirely a strategic move, we were just too dumb to see Sean’s genius at work.