
Buyouts typically pay a player less than he is owned, and this is a unique situation. As mentioned by the other players in the league, they have never seen this exact situation before, and it’s weird, but yeah, if you want to twist words go ahead.

those clever bastards, that’s why i always put a minimum in like 2,000, then you just get the cars with 30,000kms (on new engine) 250,000kms on body

Or just completely the wrong car, i.e. saw Toyota Corolla pictures under heading BMW 328....

It’s the latter, but here’s the real kicker. The hotel of course paid the Trump Organization a percentage of it’s revenues for using his name, however the Trump Organization had to pay the hotel if it’s revenues didn’t hit certain numbers agreed to in the contract, and apparently those numbers weren’t being hit,

So they can continue to pay him, and let him walk in the summer, or just pay him out now (which would probably be for slightly less than what he’s owned the remainder of the year), free up a roster spot, and acquire somebody else. So yes, that is bad business, wanting to pay for an asset you aren’t going to use, and

Considering Philly has played him for 25 minutes all year, it can be said Philly isn’t letting the man work.

He is lucky to be a royal, no way he would score somebody that good looking as an average Joe.

Yeah must have been real hard for him to get a good ring, he must have followed the 2 month salary rule.....

So does the government compensate us for those of us still making payments on cars that we can no longer legally drive?

20 years? Lol, I’m 27 and this isn’t happening in my lifetime.

That is a ridiculous take, what player do you know ever said “hey, can you just let me walk for free”?. They drafted him, the agreed to pay him, now it’s up to them to pay him out. He is under no obligation to just walk for free and leave money on the table. Now before you say, well they are under no obligation to

Yeah, I got into a big argument with a couple guys from the middle east who tried trying me I was an American. They said we (North Americans) were all just Americans to them. I firmly told them that we Canadians do not identify as Americans. That being said, are there any reasonable candidates that can undo the shit

insert “you’re not wrong, you’re just an asshole” gif

Not to mention the conflict of interest he surrounds himself in. Apparently he upped the sign up fee for Mar-a-Largo members from $50k to $100k after he won the election, while adding “proximity to the POTUS” to the list of club house amenities.

To be fair, I can remember Trump getting hammered with a question during a debate after he made some outrageious claim, and the speaker repeatedly asked 4 different times “but how specifically are you going to do that”, and Trump did his usual deflect/blame Hillary speech before the speaker just gave up. I never saw

I’m a Canadian who vaguely followed the US elections, like many I never dreamed of waking up to Trump in office. I thought whatever it was Hilary did (or didn’t) do, it could never be as bad as the shit Trump did (and admittedly did). However, during the primaries, I heard of this Bernie dude, and I found myself

Well think about it, his father probably doesn’t acknowledge his existence, and his mother probably never tucked him into bed. I’d be miserable too if my parents didn’t love me. I hope he grows up to write a book about what assholes they both were.

she probably would have divorced him already if he didn’t win

lukewarm take: the entire royal family can fuck off, they aren’t important and should cease to exist

I agree with you that the position of the first lady is rather outdated, however Melania isn’t doing this for the reason you have stated. She doesn’t want this job (or any job) because she is simply a trophy wife with no education, who we should remember was working illegal in America and didn’t receive her