Maybe your ears were packed with poutine. Check out 0:36, Torontard.
Maybe your ears were packed with poutine. Check out 0:36, Torontard.
but some were, and that’s what got picked up unfortunately.
Bullshit. Nice try though. You are not controlling this narrative. We all saw it and it was some pathetic shit. Enjoy your karma.
And the Toronto crowd goes wild! Yay injuries!
Okay... but how often do you see articles on Whoopi Goldberg that refer to her as Caryn Johnson? We should respect the name he’s chosen to go by.
Thank you for a classic example of whattaboutism.
I feel like most NHL arenas probably would, although that’s hardly an excuse.
I’d say something like, “Sweet justice!” but my philosophy professor, Prof. van Hungry, taught me today that justice is an illusion stillborn from a failure to perceive the world in four dimensions.
Yes this real life event is just like that made up script written by the WWE.
Your truth-bombs are detonating on target. I’ll meet you over at Nihilist Arby’s...
There is no longer anything noble in the world we occupy. Once you accept that, this won’t upset you so much.
I don’t like KD, but come the fuck on. He’s in one of the most high stakes situations in his profession, coming off an injury, playing at a high level, and then feels something give in that same leg. I think he can be forgiven for not having a perfect reaction to it.
Wow what a horrendous take.
Raptors fans, being as shitty as any other fanbase, cheered when Durant got hurt and only stopped when the players on their own team had to tell them to shut the fuck up.
Raptors fans clowned themselves. The cheers were not “brief”— the whole arena erupted, and it went on for quite awhile. One particular clown was seen courtside waving “good-bye” to KD while KD sat clutching his Achilles. The Raptors players were clearly embarrassed, and KD gave a well-deserved “fuck you” to the…
Has the crowd cheering Durant's injury galvanized the Warriors?
Clearly he's suffering from war-related PTSD and needs our sympathy and understanding.