
Somebody’s always gotta try to profit from a tragedy.

They come in illegally from Indiana, you fucking putz. Go unfasten your lips from Sarah Huckabee’s lowest hanging teat.

I don’t think that the age of the innocents involved should matter at all.

I wish there were PSAs for people like him. “Thinking about taking others down with you? Maybe you SHOULD kill yourself. Here’s how!”

Illegals and their illegal sons/daughters kill all the time. They’re responsible for 13 murders in my county alone, when it’s supposed to be 1 or 2.

Think about that poor mother and her 12 year old daughter. Imagine being her husband and the father of that child. You look forward every day to spending time with them when you get home from work and out of the blue you get a call that some loser destroyed them and took them away from you forever. You don’t even get

How about ‘Hope he burns in hell’

“Shitstain drives on the wrong side of the highway in suicide and murders a mother and daughter”.

Fixed that headline for you.

Looks like you really struck a chord if the whole staff has to show up to bolster this preposterous article. Good work. It won’t help, but good work.

They are being paid to be offended. It is manufactured outrage. Sane people don’t give a shit about this.

Yet another “why is this even an article on Kotaku?” moment.

I don’t post notes like this in Soulsborne games, nor do I find them funny... however, getting tilted enough to make a 2 page dissertation on the matter is fucking ludicrous. Go outside. Lighten up. Do literally anything else with your life.

It is a stupid joke for sure, but outrage culture is way more annoying.

That tweet wasn't transphobic.

Probably going to be a “ghost training” mode, where the game will record your fights to create a ghost of your playstyle, and allow you to battle other people’s ghosts.

I agree completely I regret clicking on this page. Lol

this article isn’t informative or funny. was it written in jest? little disappointed in the clickbait. 

Sylvanas has always been evil. She was a cruel border commander back in WC3 that basically sacrificed everything for her own pride, and then suffered resurrection as a banshee (back in WC3, before ‘she has to be hot’ model) because Arthas wanted to be a particular dickish asshole in response to her particularly

Shes seriously always been evil, people who think that this is a heel turn have to ignore everything shes done in the last 14 years. 

Because that is how the law works...

ANet fired Price because she was representing the company as a terrible person. Tons of people liked her work, even Deroir has stated multiple times he liked her work and is big in the GW2 community so her blowing up on one of the largest influencers who has supported her is a huge factor.