
I noticed it, but liked that it wasn’t a big deal.

You take Last Action Hero’s name out of your mouth. That movie is a treasure. This.. thing is an abomination. 

As much as I am stoked for what the movies are doing.

It’s almost like people are protesting a practice they dont want happening on gads.

It really is striking how Strongholds are the end game, even though you run each of them at least once during the main campaign and the higher difficulty versions don’t substantially change their design.

You mean you want gamers who pay $60 of their hard-earned cash for a broken AAA title to be nice and friendly with the fucks who ripped them off?

Or the kid has a challenge to look forward to. You cant grow up thinking you are a winner at everything. 

Lol maturity?! Homeboy wasted 500 dollars on....nothing. hes just trying to paint himself as a victim...oh poor me I was programmed to do this! Here's a thought..dont throw away your money on shit.

by all means, if he’s guilty, prosecute the guy. until we see proof in court though, “innocent until proven guilty” is my approach. i dont know the guy or really even want to seeig as how he’s embroiled in all this, but a bunch o women coming forward with stories is still “he said, she said” which isnt enough. there

Haha can’t wait for all the blood and gore of MK 11!

Do we need a new article every time someone uses readily available hardware to hook up a new device to an old TV? Sure, it’s nifty, but it’s not exactly technological wizardry, and Gizmodo posted a near identical article a year ago, which I’m pretty sure I’m only aware of because Kotaku shared it.  

You seem to be correcting your stories a lot recently...

Pull a nose hair. Seriously. 100% of the time, it works 100% of the time.

To be fair, the way the games were announced is a bit different too. Diablo Immortal was announced at Blizzcon, final announcement of the keynote, center stage, all sorts of hype and pomp around it.

Worth noting: the “kotaku’s take” link is just a link to another kinja deals post, which hilariously contains the sentence, “Personally, I just put in an order for Fallout 76"

Worth noting: the “kotaku’s take” link is just a link to another kinja deals post, which hilariously contains the

Seriously, there are areas of this country where a stunt like this is going to result in gunfire. 

So you don’t think games can exist in different contexts?

That's real mature lol. You also ignore the facts. This will go over 100 mph when done, and it will have many cars at a time. 

At this point you “journalists” are just being nitpicky.  We get that Fallout 76 gets you the clicks but when you have to hammer on a bug fix that maybe 5 people are complaining about, it looks petty

Isn’t single player the PVE?