‘Are you for or against Leo winning’
‘Are you for or against Leo winning’
‘I loved Mad Max, but it’s so boring when one movie sweeps.’
I hope he jinxed himself so hard his ass cannot be assed enough to be in our dimension at the sheer possibility he lost the Oscars this year.
No one wins when it’s Best Supporting Actor uurgh.
Here here. I’m just refreshing the Google search page since it’ll update the list of winners for me. It also feels so much faster to do compared to the last time I watched it proper.
‘Is placing Ryan Gosling next to Russell Crowe forcing him to look into a mirror of his own future?’
I’m still annoyed that I technically live in the future. It may be Sunday evening for you guys but it’s Monday morning where I am. It’s too early for me to prepare myself for the inevitable disappointment for some Oscar wins.
The Kung Fu Panda series is my jam when it comes to movie series right now. It’s just so heartfelt and earnestly silly to me that it hits my buttons in all the right ways?
And a friendly reminder to you all to please keep the concern trolls and the flat out trolls in the grey! One or two already escaped and that’s one or two too many as it is.
I cannot star your comment enough. I’m a fan but I can definitely say the majority of her fanbase can become super invasive/demanding when trying to get her attention/time if she’s making an appearance somewhere or if they find out where she is. It’s kind of turned up a notch since she started touring so eeey.
I did an R2-D2 scream when I saw this.
I love how people either joined in chanting of ‘I am the law’ or completely lost it like the Spades person. Jesus it sounds like they were barking in the end.
I’m not gonna lie, I was heading into this article expecting all the receipts in the world against him considering its you, Kara.
I was going to challenge you to a duel for Bulbasuar’s honour but then I saw you ranked Cubone in your top ten so we’re good now.
Jason did you play The Dashboard Confessional’s ‘Vindicated’ at full blast when this was confirmed or did you just hear it play in your head as you typed out this article?
I would love to watch a gagreel for episodes like these just so I see how often their faces crack when spouting out some of these lines.
Fine Bros Retract.
Your username is my reaction to your post.