Donnie Storm

Take care of yourself, John. I hope for the best for you and your loved ones in these trying times. Do what you need to do if it’s the best for yourself and be the outlier and then some damn it.

See this type of situation is what keeps me from going ‘ATTICA ATTICA ATTICA’ in games like these.

This time, it’s the boy (now grown-up) from spin-off A Bird Story.”

This is the face of a man who wishes to never speak about what happened again.

The comment section here is a hot mess right now and it reminds me why I love Dr. Nerdlove’s columns so much. May we never forget the Great Lingerie Dilemma, 2016.

Then the people who are mad or disturbed by these turn of events need to take a deep breath and calm the calamities of their mammaries.

It needs to have a sequel I swear to God. I’m forever heartbroken of the ending we were unable to see of thanks to schedule fumbling and one of the poor actors getting stricken with something during filming. There needs to be a sequel, darn it!

Freedom Cry is their best cover/work for boxart in my opinion in both design and what to expect from the game if you pick that up in a video game store.

The #FuckKonami segments is always the highlight of his video. With the subject, he kind of triiiiies not to let them have it somewhat maybe now and then kind of often.

The caption speaking everyone’s minds.

I swear to God, I’ll one day open Kotaku to read a Bloodborne article on how someone defeated the game on the highest difficulty in under an hour by just saluting at the enemies.

This confirms to me what I saw in the E3 video back at the announcement yessss. Man-Eating Eagle’s eyes did glow when he hissed!

I was waiting for the article to load and while it was doing its thing, it made the format look like ‘beating out Bloodborne, Fallout 4, Metal Gear Solid V, Lara Croft Go and I thought to myself, ‘damn was it that good?’ until everything popped into place.

Meet me in the back of a McDonalds parking lot. I’ll defend OG Pikachu’s honour, you scoundrel.

Don’t feed the troll. They already had Thanksgiving.

It’s appropriate the setting for the games are at a beach because there seems to be a lot of people, on both sides, getting reaaaaal salty over the situation and seem to be deliberately stuffing sand up their tooshes.

It’ll bankrupt the studios if they try to animate his eyebrows though. There’s too much power in those angry caterpillars for us mere mortals to even try and replicate.

I like how she has the exact look of puzzled horror I had when I was quickly scrolling down this post and thought, for a second, something was terribly wrong with her leg.

Bejeesus you guys.

I still continue to N O P E whenever I remember this scene.