Donnie Storm

It’s like they’re looking down in shame. ‘I’m not involved with these two and their squabble at the moment.’

RIP Destiny Redditors who were going to bed when they saw that post pop up as they were heading off to sleep.

Now that you mention it — It kind of does. A bit like Ray Bradbury’s There Will Come Soft Rains.

From what I read and from what a friend told me after I sent them the video, it’s mostly people trying to tell him how to handle the fire and things like,“Where is he going?”, “Call 119!” and such.

I feel like he has all those things there to keep his hands busy even after he’s taking a break from One Piece. That’s a lot of tiny figurines and figures and fun stuff to keep nice and dust free.

Let’s play limbo!

I can’t scroll up since the bear will get me. I can’t scroll down since the bear will get me. I’m sitting here twiddling my thumbs waiting for the inevitable. It’s like I’m playing FNAF all over again.

If that’s the case, that’s an insult to the game itself. Deus Ex is an amazing series and shouldn’t have to rely on cheap media gimmicks to grab people’s attention.

Cassandra Nova not only corrupts Jean Grey’s human moral code but also her human fashion sense. The latter is the true horror.

Oh my gosh her skin looks awesome. I can’t wait to see what they’ll do for other alternative versions of her skins. Can you imagine the colour palettes?!

Oh my gosh those are co cuuuuute.

Ah yes, the underboob window. A classic choice for a holy character.

On one hand I can totally get why Jughead doesn’t like her, factors here in the actual comic plus their long standing dislike of each other from the original comics, but on the other hand Jughead please. You gotta chill here.

Braids are the way to go, to be honest.

From what I gathered from all of you guys is that beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.

Can you imagine the Dark Souls dev having this sort of feature in Dark Souls 3 and an achievement/super cool thing you want is tied to it?

Hyper Light Drifter is doing surprisingly well despite the hiccup of an important member of a team having serious health issues to the point they’ll need to go under the knife to resolve the problem.

Because saying that would, you know, cause a lot of trouble for him if he did that. Even acknowledging that could get him in hot water with people out there. Better to have a clean indie look.

Guys I have a question - Single player has been a blast and co-op has been so-and-so depending on who I do it with but multiplayer scares me. There’s so many players! So many things being said! So many weird noises being made. Is it really worth trying any of that, let alone in a public server?

That’s a plus in my opinion, holy crap.