Donnie Storm

It looks like he’s giving a tap on the tummy and the poor orc is going ‘come on, man, not here.’

I’m really grateful for the levelling up system to be fixed. I’ve been having a blast through thick and thin but it’s been hard to get my RL friends to join me since they found the levelling up system to be both tedious, since it required grinding and they don’t have time for that anymore these days, and baffling

I remember grumbling about not having the Last Word a few months back.

I’m not gonna lie, I’m super nervous for him now since he definitely won’t take day offs unless he’s made to do so, see: more compulsory day offs, and probably force himself to even do crunchtime to make up for the ‘lost’ hours of said day offs.

God I was this was a thing. It would have made my night.

That’s the half-way point for Destiny, I bet. Year 5 introduces pets!

“I was on the verge of tears thinking about it last night, I really was.”

And Bungie really needs to get a move on in making these into hoodies/jackets/real cloaks whatever just let me have these patterns.

I’m having a hard time making sense of this, magic space ball Jesus or not.

I’m really impressed that so many people are riled up over your one sentence.

Yesss Grizzled and Codenames! I saw the videos from Watch It Played and it looks like a blast. Here’s hoping we can either buy them from Hobbes and Lands here or they’re in the boardgame cafes like Puzzles already.

Will the black box of obscuring screens stop plaguing Jason at long last?

You should totally buy it. You can play two different games AT THE SAME TIME.

GTA V needs to get in on this ASAP. Mr Raspberry Jam fun for everyone.

Ah yes but will this movie have their version of the annoying poor peasants or the menacing minstrels?

IMDB say it’s a Justin Kurzel. He also happens to be working with Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard (she’s also starring in this movie, apparently) for the Macbeth movie coming out this year.