Elon's Backdoor Musk

Does it though?

The definition of worthwhile changes depending on your credit score.

If an actual Self Driving car is released this year by Tesla, I'll eat a Crow McMuffin and delete my account.

I have a Full Flying Car!

Lotta pedos and shorts out there.

Wood you leaf BMW out of this!

If you ever see someone standing beside their Ferrari, casually say “Awesome Corvette! What year is it?”

These do still have a timeless design. Very clean and classy. 

I just got brain herpes from reading 10% of that.

I was very impressed with Kia quality. Was set to buy a Sienna but decided to test drive a Carnival. Ended up buying the Carnival at MSRP.

Or 10 year old BMWs

Death by heart attack or death by gold digger?

Boo hoo. The show I used to like changed.

The market is weird and nostalgia is a helluva drug.

I learned to dive on a non stepside version of this truck. Great little workhorses, but be prepared for the absolute lack of power.

That’s going from 43 l/100 kms to 33.6 l/100 kms.

It’s cheap, it runs and it might be fun.

By the time I payed the taxes, fees and registration (plus the current prices of used cars) on a beater I probably wouldn't be any further ahead. Needed a van in the next year anyway.

The wife got a new job she couldn't refuse but it's not work from home like her current position. We were going to buy a van at some point anyway, but this accelerated the decision.

I did. The Sienna XLE had seats that I found too high and uncomfortable, the interior felt cheap and it didn't drive as nice as the Carnival. I've only really bought Toyotas and the Carnival made me switch.